Page 10 - Penta Book's Literacy Catalogue 2
P. 10


                                             MY RED CAR                 BLACK ANT
                                             Mark loves cars. And his   The little black ant can’t find
                                             father has the perfect     his mother in the garden.
                                             surprise for him!          Oh, no! What will happen

                                             JUMPING HAT                SNOWY
                                             On a sunny day at the park,   On a cold winter’s day a
                                             Peter and his grandfather   brother and sister make
                                             see some funny things      Snowy, the snowman, to
                                             happening.                 play. But what happens
                                                                        when the sun comes out?

             ELTReaders                      BIG SHOES                  A FUNNY STORY

                                             Aunt Sally and the kids have
                                             a little secret. What will   Rick goes to bed and has a
                                                                        strange dream. Or does he?
                                             happen when their secret is
                                    Penta Books
          8                                                                         mmpublications

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