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Traveller Second Edition Pre-Intermediate, Teacher’s Book

                                            The aims of each activity   Functions and structures presented along
                                            clearly stated            with a list of active vocabulary

                 5a     How are you feeling?                                                          5a 5a
                                                                  Learning how to make a doctor’s appointment   a. 3      b. 2      c. 1
                                                                  Talking about medical problems
                       . LISTENING & READING                                          • Ask Ss to tell you what is happening in each dialogue.
                         A. Discuss.                                                  • Elicit answers (the woman is making a doctor’s
                                                                                      appointment -c, the woman is at the doctor’s telling her her
                                                                  Infinitives         symptoms -b, the doctor is telling the woman what is wrong
                   •  When did you last go to the doctor’s? What for?                 with her and what she should do -a).
                   •  What do you usually do when you have a cold?                    • Ask Ss some comprehension questions:
                                                                  available    booked up     convenient    fluid    get rest
                                                                  make an appointment    schedule
                   B. Read the three dialogues quickly and put them   Words/Phrases related to medical problems  What is the doctor’s name? Dr Barkley
                    in the correct order. Write 1-3. Then listen and   allergy    bones   chemist’s   cough   examine  Does Ms Smith make an appointment for the same day?   Traveller Second Edition
                    check your answers.                           have a cold   hurt (v.)   illness   pain     patient (n.)   pill  No, she doesn’t.
                                                                  prescribe     prescription     runny nose     sneeze  Why can’t she make an appointment for the same day?
                   a                                              sore throat      surgery      treatment  because the doctor is booked up for the day
                                                                  What exactly are your symptoms?  When is her appointment? the following morning at 10.30.
                   Doctor  Let me take your temperature. You seem   What seems to be the problem?  What does Ms Smith think her problem is? She thinks
                      a bit warm... Yes, you have a bit of a      Phrasal verbs       that her allergy is back.
                      temperature. Well, Ms Smith, you seem to    get over     hang on     lie down  Does Ms Smith have a temperature? Yes, she does.
                                                                                      When is her brother’s wedding? on the 13 th
                      have a cold.                                run out of     take away  Will she be all right on her brother’s wedding? Yes, she
                   Patient  Really? It’s not my allergy then. I hope I won’t          will.
                      be too ill to go to my brother’s wedding on   WARM-UP           How long will it take her to get over her cold? about a
                      the 13 th .                                Aims:  •  to help Ss make predictions about the lesson by   week
                   Doctor  Don’t worry. You’ll get over it in about a week.   activating their background knowledge  Where is Ms Smith going straight after the doctor’s? to
                                                                                      the chemist’s
                      Just get some rest and drink lots of fluids.     •
                   Patient  I will. What about my head and bones? Can you   • Draw Ss’ attention to the title of the lesson.   C. Aims: •  to give Ss practice in identifying specific
                      give me something to take away the pain?   • Ask Ss to tell you when we ask this question (when we   information in the dialogue through a
                                                                  want to find out about one’s health).
                   Doctor  I’ll prescribe some pain medication.     C.  Read again and complete the missing   • Ask Ss the question and elicit answers (e.g. I’m fine, I’m      •  note-taking activity
                   Patient  Thank you. I’ll go to the chemist’s straight after.  information.  not very well, Not too bad, etc.).
                                                                 • Ask Ss to tell you what they think the lesson is about.  • Ask Ss to look at the computer screen.
                   b                                             1. LISTENING & READING  CD2     18  • Ask Ss to tell you what they can see (a file where the
                                                                                      doctor keeps her patient’s data).
                                                                 A. Aims:  •  to introduce the topic of the dialogues by
                   Doctor  So, Ms Smith what seems to be the problem?  File | Edit | View  relating it to Ss’ personal experience  • Make sure that Ss do not have any unknown words.
                                                                                      • Have Ss do the activity and check answers.
                   Patient  I think my allergy’s back and I’ve run out of pills.   Friday 4 th  March     •
                      Can you give me another prescription?      • Ask Ss the questions and initiate a short discussion.  10.30 / Mary Smith / terrible headache, runny nose,
                   Doctor  I need to examine you first. What exactly are your         sneezing, bones hurt, temperature / rest, lots of
                                                                                      fluids, pain medication
                      symptoms?           Appointments            Suggested answers
                   Patient  Well, I have a terrible headache, a runny nose and I  Time:  • I went to the doctor’s last month because I had a
                         keep sneezing.                            continuous cough that wouldn’t let me sleep at   • Explain any unknown words and choose Ss to act out
                                                                                      the dialogues.
                   Doctor  Do you have a sore throat or a cough?       N Name:   e:     • I usually stay at home and try to rest. I drink lots of
                   Patient  No, but my bones hurt.   Symptoms:     hot drinks and may take some medication too.   2. VOCABULARY
                   Doctor  I see. Come and lie down here.        • If necessary, you can ask Ss some further questions:  Aim:  • to present some phrasal verbs
                                                                  Do doctors make you feel nervous?  • Draw Ss’ attention to the NOTE and explain it.
                   c                                              What makes a good doctor?  • Refer Ss to the dialogues and draw their attention to the
                                                                                      highlighted phrasal verbs.
                   Receptionist  Good afternoon, Dr Barkley’s surgery. How            • Encourage Ss to deduce the meaning of the phrasal verbs
                       may I help you?     Treatment:            B. Aims: •  to present vocabulary, functions and   from the context.
                                                                     structures in the context of three dialogues
                   Patient   Hello. My name is Mary Smith. I would like to      •    to give Ss practice in reading for gist and   • Ask Ss to read through the meanings a-e. Make sure that
                                                                                      Ss do not have any unknown words.
                       make an appointment with the doctor for today.  understanding sequence  • Have Ss do the activity and check answers.
                   Receptionist  Today? I’m afraid she’s booked up for the day.  •
                   Patient   What about tomorrow morning?        • Draw Ss’ attention to the picture and ask them to tell you   1. b  2. d  3. a  4. e  5. c
                   Receptionist Hang on a minute, please. Let me check her   what they can see (a doctor and a patient).
                       schedule... Tomorrow the doctor is available at   • Ask Ss to read through the three dialogues and put them   • Ask higher-performing Ss to write sentences using
                                                                  in the correct order.
                       10.30 and then again at 11.30. Which do you   • Play the recording and ask Ss to listen to the dialogues   the phrasal verbs from the matching activity. This will
                                                                                      challenge them.
                       prefer?                                    carefully and check their answers.  • Write some of these sentences on the board without writing
                   Patient   Half past ten is more convenient for me.                 the phrasal verbs, and ask lower-performing Ss to complete
                                                                                      them. This will give them extra practice.
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                                              Symbols representing the 21st     Further comprehension questions to
                                              century competencies featured     enhance Ss’ understanding of the text
               Traveller Second Edition Pre-Intermediate, Teacher’s Book
                                                              Suggested answers to activities where
                                                              oral production is required
               Step-by-step        3. GRAMMAR     B. Aims:  •  to give Ss practice in using stress to convey a    . VOCABULARY  2. A: Can you                       (show) me how
                                   Aims: • to present the full and the bare infinitive  specific meaning  PHRASAL VERBS                        (use) this printer?
               guide to teaching     • Ask Ss to read through the dialogues.    • Play the recording and have Ss repeat each question as   NOTE  A phrasal verb consists of a verb (e.g. get,   B: Sure. Just let me                       (finish) what I’m
                                                                       break) and an adverb (e.g. back) and/or one
                                                                                      doing first.
                                   • Draw Ss’ attention to the words in bold.  they hear it.  or more prepositions (e.g. for, on, with). The
                                   • Point out to Ss that these are some examples of full and   • Ask Ss to underline the word which is stressed in each   meaning of the phrasal verb is different from   3.
                                    bare infinitives.  question and choose the correct answer depending on   the meaning of the verb it includes.  A: We’re going to Bristol for the
                                   • Ask Ss to tell you the difference between the full and the   the meaning of each question.  weekend                       (visit) Joanna. Would
                                    bare infinitive (full infinitive: to + base form of the verb,   • Have Ss do the activity and check answers.  Look at the highlighted phrasal verbs in the   you like                       (come)?
                                    bare infinitive: base form of the verb without to).
                                   • Have Ss read through the first dialogue and explain that   1. Does Robert have toothache? a  dialogues and match them with their meanings a-e.  B: No, I’m too busy                       (go) away.
                                    we use the full infinitive after certain verbs such as seem,   2. Did Alicia go to the bank? b  a. not have any left  4.
                                    want, would like, decide, plan, promise, etc. For more verbs   3. Are you seeing the dentist on Monday? b  1.  get over  A: Oh, no! I failed the maths test. Now, my
                                    refer Ss to the Grammar Reference at the back of the   2. take away  b. become better again, e.g.
                                    book.                             3. run out of  after an illness  parents will make me                       (study) all
                                   • Point out that the bare infinitive is used with the verbs let  6. SPEAKING  c. wait  week.
                                    and make in the Active Voice. Ask Ss for a few examples   Aims: •  to give Ss practice in using the functions,   4. be booked up  B: Jenny has offered                       (help) me with
                                    (My father made me wash his car.).  structures and vocabulary presented in this   5. hang on  d. make something disappear
                                   • Have Ss read through the second dialogue and point out   lesson by simulating conversations between a   e. have no time available  maths. Why don’t you ask her for help too? You
                                    that we use the bare infinitive  after modal verbs (can,   doctor, a doctor’s receptionist and a patient  need                       (do) something about it.
                                    could, must, should, may, might, etc.). Ask Ss for a few      •         .  GRAMMAR
                                    examples (You mustn’t be rude to your friends.). Also,    . INTONATION
                                    point out to Ss that we use the full infinitive after the   • Ask Ss to read through the instructions.
                                    words something/somebody/anything/anybody, etc.   • To help lower-performing Ss, tell them that they can use   INFINITIVES     A.  Listen and repeat. Notice the stressed words
                                   • Draw Ss’ attention to the third dialogue and explain to   the three dialogues in activity 1B as models.  and how the stress affects the meaning.
                                    them that we use the full infinitive with too+adjective/  • In groups of three, Ss take turns to act out the   Read the examples and complete the rules.  John is allergic to cats.  (John, not his brother or
                                    adverb with the meaning ‘more than necessary’, and with   conversations according to the allocated roles. Make sure   • A:  I would like to make an appointment with
                                    adjective/adverb+enough with the meaning adequate/  that there is a balance of both higher-performing Ss and   the doctor for today.  anybody else.)
                                    adequately.   lower-performing Ss in each group.  John is allergic to cats. (He isn’t allergic to rabbits.)
                                   • Write the following on the board:  • Go round the class helping Ss when necessary.  B: Let me check her schedule.
                                    It’s too late to have dinner.  • Choose some pairs to act out the conversations.  • A: What seems to be the problem?     B.  Listen and repeat. Underline the stressed word
                                    It’s not early enough to have dinner.             in the questions 1-3 and choose the correct
                                   • Ask Ss to read through the tables containing the rules.   Suggested answers  B:  My bones hurt. Could you tell me what to   answer.
                                   • Make sure that Ss do not have questions and/or   1.  do? Can you give me something to take away
                                    unknown words.  SB: Hello. Dr Smith’s office, how may I help you?  1. Does Robert have toothache?
                                   • Have Ss do the activity and check answers.  SA: Yes, hello. I’d like to make an appointment to see   the pain?  a. No, Lisa has toothache.
                                                   the doctor.        • A:  I hope I won’t be too ill to go to my brother’s   b. No, he has a sore throat.
                                    would like, seem, too, what, after, let  SB: Is it an emergency?  wedding on the 13 th .   2. Did Alicia go to the bank?
                                                  SA: No, I’m just not feeling well and I have a   B: Don’t worry. You’ll be well enough to go.  a. No, Brenda went to the bank.  Secondary & Adult
                                   • Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference at the back of the   temperature.
                                    book.         SB: Of course. Let me check her schedule. Can you   Use the full infinitive (e.g. to do):  b. No, she went to the chemist’s.
                                   • Ask higher-performing Ss to make sentences using the   come in tomorrow at 1 p.m.?  • to express purpose.  3. Are you seeing the dentist on Monday?
                                    full and bare infinitive. This will challenge them. To   SA: Yes. That’s fine.  • after certain verbs ( e.g.                   ,                   ,
                                    help lower-performing Ss, you can give them prompts   SB: What is your name?  want, decide, need, offer).  a. No, my mum is seeing the dentist on Monday.
                                    to make sentences (e.g. save money / buy a new mobile   SA: Miriam Young.  • after                       and enough.  b. No, I’m seeing the dentist on Friday.
                                    phone).       SB: OK, Ms Young, we’ll see you tomorrow at 1 p.m.
                                                  SA: Thank you. Bye.  • after question words (e.g. who,                     , how)   . SPEAKING
                                   4. PRACTICE    2.                     in indirect questions.  ROLE PLAY
                                   Aim:  to give Ss practice in using the full and the bare   SC: So, Miriam, what seems to be the problem?  Use the bare infinitive (e.g. do):     Talk in groups of three. Act out the conversations.
                                     infinitive in the context of four short dialogues  SA: Well, I’m not feeling well. I have a temperature and
                                                   a sore throat.
                                   • Have Ss do the activity and check answers.  SC: Do you have any other symptoms?  •                     modal verbs (e.g. can, could, must)  1.
               Strategies to        1. call, to take  SA: Not really. I am very tired, though.  • after the verbs make and                      .  Student A: Imagine that you are not feeling well
                                                                                     and that you want to see your doctor. Call the
                                                  SC: OK. Let’s take a look. Say ahhh...
                                                                                     doctor’s surgery and make an appointment.
               support lower–       2. show, to use, finish  SA: Ahhhh.   . PRACTICE  Student B: Imagine that you are the doctor’s
                                    3. to visit, to come, to go
                                                  SC: Well, It looks as if you have caught the flu.
                                    4. study, to help, to do
                                                  SA: What should I do?
                                                  SC: I’ll write you a prescription for some medicine.      Complete with the full or the bare infinitive of the   receptionist. Answer Student A’s phone call and
                                                                                     help him/her make an appointment with the doctor.
                                                   Take them twice a day for five days.
               performing Ss and   5. INTONATION  CD2     19, 20  SA: Anything else?  verbs in brackets.  2. Student A: Imagine that you are at the doctor’s
                                                  SC: Make sure you drink lots of fluids and get plenty
                                   A. Aim: to present how stress affects meaning
               challenge higher-   • Play the recording and have Ss repeat each sentence as   of rest.  A: Could you                       (call) a doctor? I feel   surgery. Student C is the doctor. Describe and
                                    they hear it.
                                                                                     discuss your problem with him/her and ask for
                                   • Point out to Ss that in the first sentence the word John is
                                    stressed, whereas in the second sentence the word cats is   B: Do you want me                       (take) you to   advice.
               performing Ss       • Explain to Ss that according to the meaning we want to   hospital?  Student C: Imagine that you are a doctor. Listen
                                                                                     to Student A’s problem, ask him/her anything you
                                    express, we stress different words in a sentence.  A: No, just call a doctor.  want to know and tell him/her what to do.
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