Page 3 - RossMed Day CHS - January 2024 Program
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Case Presentations

               1)  Steel S. Cystic Lymphangioma in a 61-year old male. Oral presentation presented at: RossMed Day,
                   Center for Haitian Studies; January 11, 2024; Miami, FL.
               2)  Olusina A. Episodically elevated liver enzymes of unknown origin. Oral presentation presented at:
                   RossMed Day, Center for Haitian Studies; January 11, 2024; Miami, FL.
               3)  Ducreay T. Fluctuating Hyperglycemia in a Patient with Alcohol dependence. Oral presentation
                   presented at: RossMed Day, Center for Haitian Studies; January 11, 2024; Miami, FL.
               4)  Imran I. Orthostatic Hypotension with Autonomic Dysfunction in the setting of Parkinson's disease,
                   Diabetes and recent Aortic dissection repair. Oral presentation presented at: RossMed Day, Center
                   for Haitian Studies; January 11, 2024; Miami, FL.

                 Poster Presentations

               1)  Steele S. A case of Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension with sustained normal opening pressure.
                   Poster presented at: RossMed Day, presentation presented at: RossMed Day, Center for Haitian
                   Studies; January 11, 2024; Miami, FL.
               2)  Medina A, Esmail R. Birt-Hogg-Dube Syndrome: Exploring Renal Transplantation as a Treatment
                   Modality. Poster presented at: RossMed Day, Center for Haitian Studies; January 11, 2024; Miami,
               3)  Martin J. Breast Cancer Metastasis: Peritoneal Carcinomatosis and Elevated B12. Poster presented
                   at: RossMed Day, Center for Haitian Studies; January 11, 2024; Miami, FL.
               4)  Stephens K, Cole Z. International Medical Students: Equally Prepared for the Field of Emergency
                   Medicine. Poster presented at: RossMed Day, Center for Haitian Studies; January 11, 2024; Miami,
               5)  Sharafi B. Cornual Conundrum: Navigating Ectopic Pregnancy in the Dominican Republic. Poster
                   presented at: RossMed Day, Center for Haitian Studies; January 11, 2024; Miami, FL.
               6)  Sharafi B. Optimizing Diabetes Management in the Dominican Republic: Exploring the Role of
                   Dietary Interventions and Polymeric Formulations on Glycemic Control. Poster presented at:
                   RossMed Day, Center for Haitian Studies; January 11, 2024; Miami, FL.
               7)  Checkley T. Glioblastoma Multiforme and Timely Referral to end of Life care. Poster presented at:
                   RossMed Day, Center for Haitian Studies; January 11, 2024; Miami, FL.
               8)  Powell E. Triple negative breast cancer in a young African American Female. Poster presented at:
                   RossMed Day, Center for Haitian Studies; January 11, 2024; Miami, FL.

                Silver Stethoscope Award

                 The Silver Stethoscope Award stands as a symbol of the deep appreciation and respect students have
                 for faculty members who demonstrate unwavering commitment in fostering the academic and
                 professional development of their students. These exceptional educators serve as a source of
                 inspiration, uplifting and empowering students to achieve their highest potential in both their
                 academic pursuits and career ambitions. Beyond imparting knowledge, they actively guide and support
                 students on their path towards fulfilling and successful professional lives.

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