Page 4 - RossMed Day CHS - January 2024 Program
P. 4

Teaching Awards Student Comments (selected examples)

                 “goes above and beyond for his students in many ways. He directly involves his students in caring for patients. He actually asks us for our opinions when
                 it comes to differential diagnoses, choosing medications to prescribe, ordering lab and imaging studies, and treating patients. He genuinely values our
                 input on patient care decisions and educates us on whether our opinions are appropriate for the patient or not. He illustrates his desire for our success
                 by allowing his students to participate in publishing case reports with him, and also by doing practice questions together everyday on important topics.
                 He has an easy going personality that makes it fun to learn, and he teaches us something at every opportunity."

                       “She demonstrates exceptional professionalism and dedication to patient care, as well as to the education of medical students.
                       Her approach includes pre-rounding case presentations and insightful lectures"

                          “is a wonderful teacher! He pushes you to think logically and put everything you've learned into clinical practice. His
                          teaching style is very hands-on and he uses questions to guide your thinking. I appreciate what I have learned, he set a
                          great foundation for the rest of my Internal Medicine rotation.”

                           “... is a great preceptor. His office allows you to see several procedures and get a little taste of how residency will look as
                           far as collaborations among colleagues go. Each student is exposed to a fair amount of procedures, surgeries, and patient
                           presentations to further improve their medical knowledge.”

                          “Took the time to teach and explain. Guided me throughout my clinical journey even after the rotation had ended, when I
                          had any questions. Motivating preceptor and instilled foundation for my future.”

                       “These are excellent instructors and have provided top-tier performance across the board.”

                 Both surgeons are amazing. Both have inspired me to do surgery when I thought surgery would never be for me. They both work hard,
                 and are excellent leaders and influencers.

               Keynote Address
                                                               With close to two decades of experience as a
                                                               professional educator, Dr. Reynolds facilitates self-
                                                               regulated, adap�ve learning skills through
                                                               deliberate prac�ce and a growth mindset for
                                                               learners across the medical educa�on con�nuum.
               His training in educa�onal linguis�cs, par�cularly, mul�lingual language educa�on and language teacher
               educa�on, has uniquely posi�oned him to teach evidence-based strategies for learning the language of
               medicine in a manner that priori�zes their wellbeing.

               Dr. Reynolds’ work has made significant contribu�ons in crea�ng a culture of lifelong, transforma�ve
               learning where learners (a) make full use of mo�va�onal, behavioral and metacogni�ve strategies to
               process, synthesize and apply medical knowledge; (b) select and apply ac�ve learning strategies based
               on intended learning goals and �mely, targeted feedback on the effec�veness of their learning; and (c)
               consistently seek out opportuni�es for ongoing development of their approach to learning.

               Dr. Reynolds’ teaching experiences have informed his research interests and include: exploring the role
               of evidence-based study strategies in mi�ga�ng medical student burnout, assessing the role of reflec�ve
               journaling for transforma�ve learning, and examining self-regulated learning strategies and growth
               mindsets. Dr. Reynolds’ Medical Teacher ar�cle, “Academic coaching for learners in medical education:
               Twelve tips for the learning specialist”, has been used by learning specialists across the na�on as a
               blueprint for implemen�ng academic coaching strategies guided by the science of learning.

               RossMed Day Planning Committee

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