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                          1)   Buddha Puja – lead by Ven. Thich Phuoc Tan, Vice-President
                          2)   Welcome by Chairman – Mr. Henry Dang
                          3)   Apology from members who could not attend
                          4)   Attendees to introduce themselves
                          5)   Activity Report B.E. 2559 - B.E. 2561 (2016-2018)
                          6)   2 Year Work Plan for B.E. 2561 - B.E. 2563 (2018-2020)
                          7)   Feedback and Suggestions
                          8)   Summary committee meeting report for the General Conference
                          9)   Merit Dedication
                               10) Vote of Thanks & Closing remarks

            2 YEAR WORK PLAN B.E. 2561- B.E. 2563 (2018 - 2020)

            Agenda 1      There was a discussion on developments for the Common Buddhist
                          Chanting in English handbook.

                          Resolution 1
                          To seek sponsorship to print at least 10,000 copies of the Common Buddhist
                          Chanting Handbook for free distribution. Mr. Avinash Kamble, Co-Chair
                          and The Hon. Ramdas Atthawale, Minister for Social Justice in India, former
                          Co-Chair of this Committee have expressed their interest in this sponsorship.
                          Chairman will send the updated digital handbook to Mr. Avinash Kamble for
                          printing 10,000 copies in India. Ven. Ming Kuang, Vice-President in Taiwan is
                          also considering the sponsorship for the 3  edition of the Common Buddhist
                          Chanting Handbook. Further efforts would be made to place the Common
                          Buddhist Chanting handbook on YouTube, Facebook and other websites for
                          greater dissemination.

            Agenda 2      There was a constructive discussion on establishing The WFB Unity
                          and Solidarity Award.
                          Resolution 2
                          To establish The WFB Unity and Solidarity Award for recognition and
                          acknowledgement of Buddhist organisations and individuals who:

                          1)   Make outstanding contributions to The WFB Unity and Solidarity
                          2)   Make outstanding contributions for the proper functioning of The WFB
                          3)   Make outstanding contribution for maintaining harmonious relationship
                              with The WFB Regional Centres and with other communities.

                                  RECORD OF PROCEEDING  |  THE 29  GENERAL CONFERENCE OF THE WFB
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