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Closing Address
                                        Mr. Phan Wannamethee

                           President of The World Fellowship of Buddhists
                           at Closing Ceremmony of The 29  General Conference
                                    of The World Fellowship of Buddhists

                                        9 November B.E. 2561 (2018)
                                      Sojiji Temple in Yokohama, Japan

            Brothers and Sisters in the Dhamma,

                The World Fellowship of Buddhists’ 29 General Conference has come to a close with the
            feeling of friendship among us.  During the past four days, we have exchanged perspectives and
            experiences on diverse subjects amidst an atmosphere of mutual understanding and friendship.
            Various views and experiences were shared, and I am certain that we will do our best to observe and
            practice the teaching of the Buddha and to propagate his sublime doctrine.  Only when Dhamma
            is properly penetrated, is decent life obtained.  The Buddhist faith shows itself as a vital spiritual
            force in a world engulfed by materialistic pressure and technological advancement.  I believe that
            we would all agree that world peace can be achieved if our hearts cease the feelings of greed and
            anger and embrace the Brahma-Vihara (the Four Divine States).
                This conference has been successful and, looking ahead, we expect to do even better in
            our next meeting.  I hope that the future work of The WFB will receive full co-operation of all
            delegates, observers, and distinguished guests present at this year’s conference.  Please let me take
            this opportunity to convey my deep appreciation for all assistance rendered by your hard work.
                Finally, before concluding my address, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks on behalf
            of all participants, to the Most Reverend Shinzan Egawa, Japan Buddhist Federation (JBF), and
            executives of JBF for having been so kind to us and made our stay in Japan a pleasant one.  For
            the success of this conference, we owe our thanks to the Conference Organizing Committee and
            individuals who have rendered their untiring effort, co-operation and assistance for enabling
            accomplishment to the Conference.

                May the Holy Triple Gem bless the participants and all those who have contributed to the
            successes of this conference and cherish them with prosperity in the Dhamma.
                May I declare our meeting closed and may we meet again at the next General Conference.

                Thank you.

                                 RECORD OF PROCEEDING  |  THE 29  GENERAL CONFERENCE OF THE WFB
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