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                            Received at the 29  General Conference of The WFB
                                      5 - 9 November B.E. 2561 (2018)
                                                Narita, Japan

                                                                               THB             USD
             1.  The Buddhist Association of China, China                   22,841.00       700.00
             2.  Ansimjeongsa Regional Centre, South Korea                 326,300.00    10,000.00
             3.  The Buddhist Union, Singapore                               6,526.00       200.00
             4.  Jakarta Dhammacakka Jaya Foundation, Indonesia              6,526.00       200.00
             5.  International Buddhist Cultural Heritage Organization, USA        -      3,000.00
                                                                                               TOTAL   362,193.00  14,100.00

                                          Humanitarian Fund

                            Received at the 29  General Conference of The WFB
                                      5 - 9 November B.E. 2561 (2018)
                                                Narita, Japan

                                                                               THB          USD
             1.  Ansimjeongsa Regional Centre, South Korea                 163,350.00     5,000.00
             2.  International Buddhist Cultural Heritage Organization, USA        -      3,000.00
                                                                                              TOTAL  163,350.00  8,000.00

                                              Entrance Fee
                            Received at the 29  General Conference of The WFB
                                      5 - 9 November B.E. 2561 (2018)
                                                Narita, Japan

                                                                               THB             USD
             1.  Ansimjeongsa Regional Centre, South Korea  2016-2020       22,932.00       700.00
                                                                                              TOTAL  22,932.00  700.00

                                 RECORD OF PROCEEDING  |  THE 29  GENERAL CONFERENCE OF THE WFB
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