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9 - 12 March B.E. 2560 (2017) - EA IBYE in Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan
The spring event was hosted by All Japan Young Buddhist Association(JYBA) with the theme
‘Compassion in Practice’. A total of 104 participants joined JYBA members in the JYBA
National Convention which was held in Sendai International Center followed by memorial
prayers on Arahama beach and Kosoji Temple in Sendai. A YouTube report presentation prepared
by Japanese priests was shown thereafter.
29 - 31 March B.E. 2560 (2017) - International Chanting for the late
HM King Bhumipol Adulyadej
A delegation from The WFB, WFBY and WBU paid courtesy visits to firstly Somdet
Wannarat, Deputy Sangharaja in Wat Bovornivesvihara, HH Somdet Phra Ariyavongsagatanana,
the newly appointed.
The Supreme Patriarch of Thailand and finally paid respect to the late HM King Bhumipol
Adulyadej in the Grand Palace. The event also included the 81 WFBY EXBO Meeting and a
joint The WFB-WFBY-WBU Meeting later in the evening.
30 March B.E. 2560 (2017) - 81 WFBY EXBO Meeting held in Garden 3 Room,
Level 2, Tower Block, Ambassador Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand
24 - 27 June B.E. 2560 (2017) - WFBY Meditation Retreat in Dhammavijaya Meditation
Center, Dengkil, Selangor, Malaysia
The event was hosted by Buddhist Missionary Society Malaysia (BMSM) and supported
by BMSM Youth Section and Buddhist Gem Fellowship (BGF). 26 participants signed up for
the retreat comprising of citizens from Malaysia, India, Bangladesh and Korea. Ven. Nyaninda
and Mr. Nopphakao led a session during this retreat.
The host recorded their appreciation to the following donors:
• Ms. Lim Hyun-Joo, KYBA Vice President - USD500/-
• Mr. Nopphakao Chaiyaburin - THB10,000/-
• WFBY - USD1,000/-
24 June B.E. 2560 (2017) - 82 WFBY EXBO Meeting Dhammavijaya Meditation Center,
Dengkil, Selangor, Malaysia
13 - 15 December B.E. 2560 (2017) - International Buddhist Forum, Singapore
The WFBY team led by President Mr. Denphong, Vice President Mr. Jeon, Secretary General
Mr. Idanont joined International Buddhist Forum Topic “Buddhism in the New Millennium”.
15 - 18 March B.E. 2561 (2018) - EA IBYE in Jeju Island, Korea
This programme was hosted by Korea-Jeju Youth Buddhist Community (RC of KYBA)