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3.  A date shall be set for the Council Members to vote. Voting may be done by e-mail or
               fax, provided that a signed voting form is returned to the Rector by the date indicated
               on the form.

            4.  The voting card shall be in the following form:

                                             WBU Voting Form
                                         (Under Section 3 of Statute 1)
                     This voting form should reach the Rector or before: …………………………………
                     Motion ……………………..……………………………………………………………………………
                           _ I vote in favour of the motion
                           _ I vote against the motion
                           _ I abstain from voting
                     Without prejudice to my vote, I wish to make the following comments for
                     consideration by the WBU Council:
                                     (continue on separate sheets if necessary)
                     Signature: ………………………………….....………………Date: ……………........………….
                     Name:    ………………………………………………………………………………….……………

            5.  On the next working day after the date appointed for closure of vote, the Rector shall
               count the votes and submit the results to the Chairman of the Council for approval.
               A simple majority of the votes received shall determine the fate of the motion.

            6.  The result of the vote on each matter, along with comments of the Council members,
               shall be conveyed to the Council Members by report. This report shall be included
               in the minutes of the Council Meeting Report and shall be submitted to the next
               meeting of the Council for ratification. Comments of the Council members shall be
               considered before such ratification.

                                                 SECTION 4

                                RESPONSIBILITIES OF COUNCIL MEMBERS
            1.  Council Members are appointed in response to their declared commitment to the
               cause of Buddhist education and Buddhist training in general, and the achievement
               of the objectives of the WBU in particular. Their active participation in the functions
               of the Council is indispensable.

            2.  A Council member may be liable to suspension or dismissal if he or she fails, without
               just cause, to attend two consecutive meetings of the Council.

                                   RECORD OF PROCEEDING  |  THE 11  MEETING OF THE WBU COUNCIL
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