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C. Dhammacakka, meaning the wheel of Dhamma, refers to the First Sermon
which is called “Dhammacakkappavattanasutta” that the Buddha gave to the
first five disciples by which the wheel of Dhamma began revolving to reveal
the truth of life. The Blessed One pointed out the true condition of life in the
Four Noble Truths and the middle way of practice of “Majjhima Patipada” that
leads to extinction of suffering according to the Eightfold Noble Path symbolized
by the eight spokes in the Wheel of Dhamma, meaning thereby the wheel of
proclaiming the Dhamma began to move and has been revolving ever since.
D. The two ends of diamond Vajra in between dhammacakra and trident jewels
are Buddhist wisdoms including sustainable growth and perpetuity of Buddhism
on compassion and wisdom by which Buddhism has brought enlightenment to
mankind in order to refine our thought and action.
E. The trident jewels represent not only Buddhist triple gems but an ABC of
Buddhism itself. Buddha is Awakening, Dharma is Balance and Sangha is
Compassionate community, the ABC of Buddhism. Moreover, it represents heart
of Buddhism: sīla as community, Samādhi as balance, and Paññā as Awakening.
F. The middle of the trident jewel is the heart of the Buddha, education for
awakening (Nibbāna), which can apply both in secular (lokiya) and sacred
(lokuttara) worlds represented by two stems of lotus flowers spring out left and
right of the heart of the Buddha.
G. The colouring of the emblem are made of colour of the Buddhist flag. The
six vertical bands of the flag represent the six colours of the aura emanated
from the body of the Buddha when he attained the Buddhahood. Each colour
represents: Blue (Nīla): The Spirit of Universal Compassion, Yellow (Pīta): The
Middle Way, Red (Lohita): The Blessings of Practice – achievement, wisdom,
virtue, fortune and dignity, White
(Odāta): The Purity of Dhamma – leading to liberation, timeless, Orange
(Manjesta): The Wisdom of the Buddha’s teachings. The sixth vertical band,
on the fly, is made up of a combination of rectangular bands of the five other
colours, and represents a compound of the other five colours in the aura’s
spectrum. This compound colour is referred to as the Truth of the Buddha’s
teaching Pabbhassara (‘essence of light’).
H. All the essence of Buddhism is ‘One Buddhism’ represented by the shield.
I. The ribbon imprinting ‘The World Buddhist University’ decorating the shield
depicts that the WBU’s prime task is to preserve, promote, and propagation
of that very ‘One Buddhism.’ The ultimate goal of The World Fellowship of
Buddhists, the mother organization of the WBU.