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3. The academic personnel shall be composed of:
A. The Rector;
B. Vice-Rectors for academic, administrative, finance and others;
C. The directing personnel, i.e. the Rector’s senior collaborators in various of The
WFB Regional Centres and the Directors of Buddhist Research, and Training
Centres and Programmes;
D. Research personnel, visiting professors, visiting fellows and consultants;
E. Buddhist scholars;
F. Educational programme directors; and
G. Other to be assigned by the WBU Council.
All members of the academic personnel shall enjoy in their research, training and
Buddhist work and the academic freedom guaranteed by the WBU Council.
4. The personnel of the WBU shall be solely responsible to the Rector in the exercise
of their functions.
5. The academic personnel and such administrative personnel as may be provided for
in the WBU budget established by the WBU Council shall be appointed by the Rector
on behalf of the President of The WFB.
6. The academic and administrative personnel other than the personnel referred in the
WBU Charter, and the trainees shall, in the case of personnel serving at the WBU Centre,
be appointed by the Rector. In other cases, they shall be appointed in accordance with
the terms of the decision of the WBU Council establishing the BRTCP in question, or of
the agreement bringing such centre or programme within the framework of the WBU.
1. Capital costs and recurrent costs of the WBU shall be derived from voluntary contributions
and donation for the WBU, of from other income derived therefrom, made by:
A. Governments, directly or through The WFB, Regional Centres of The WFB,
networking institutions, and other related agencies;
B. Non-governmental sources, including foundations, universities and individuals.
C. Fees for enrolment;
D. Financial support from abroad;
E. Governments of the countries where the Regional Centres and/or networking
organizations are located respectively;
F. Other sources to be assigned;
2. The Rector may also accept assistance for the WBU projects, particularly fellowships,
from The WFB and its Regional Centres as well as other intergovernmental organizations.
3. Contributions which may directly and indirectly involve an immediate of ultimate
financial liability for the WBU, or which involve a new activity not yet included in its
programme, may be accepted only with the approval of the WBU Council.