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P. 238
D. The Council shall approve the panel of candidates;
E. The Council shall transmit the approved panel of candidates to the President
of The WFB; and
F. The President of The WFB shall appoint one of the submitted candidates as
the Rector of WBU
2. As WBU is a sub-organization under auspices of The WFB which is non-profit Buddhist
organization, the Rector of the WBU can be regarded an ‘Honorary Rector’ which
means the WBU shall not pay him any stipend and honorarium. In term of title he
can be called or entitled as ‘(Honorary) Rector’ or just ‘Rector.’
3. The Rector shall normally serve for five years and shall be eligible for reappointment
for one more term of five years. Conditions of the service of the Rector shall be
determined by the WBU Council in consultation with the President of The WFB.
4. The Rector has authority to nominate and appoint (Honorary) Vice-Rectors for
Academic, Finance, Administrative Affairs and others as deemed necessary. Every
position of the WBU aforesaid shall function as a non-paid Buddhist staff.
5. The Rector shall be an ex-officio member of the WBU Council and chief academic and
administrative officer of the WBU. The Rector shall have over-all responsibility for the
direction, organization, administration and programmes of the WBU, in accordance
with the general policies and criteria formulated by the WBU Council.
6. The Rector shall, inter alia:
A. Submit the plan of works and the budget estimates of the WBU to the Council
of WBU for its consideration and approval;
B. Direct the activities connected with the execution of the research training,
Buddhist and educational programmes and authorize the expenditures provided
in the budget approved by the WBU Council;
C. Appoint personnel of the WBU in accordance with the procedures approved by
the WBU Council, so as to ensure the highest intellectual and moral quality of
that personnel;
D. Direct and develop the staff of the WBU;
E. Set up such advisory bodies as may be necessary, including where appropriate
representatives of interested WFB Regional Centres and other organizations
particularly concerned with the activities of the WBU;
F. Make arrangements with governments and international as well as national, the
public and private organizations with a view to offering and receiving services
related to the activities of the WBU;