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5.  In its training, the WBU shall assist scholars, especially the young ones, to participate
                in researches in order to increase their capability to contribute to the extension,
                application, and diffusion of Buddhist knowledge. The WBU may also undertake
                trainings of persons who will serve in international or national programmers,
                particularly in regard to an interdisciplinary approach to problems.

            6.  The WBU shall promote Buddhist practice through global meditation networks or
                other means for enhancement of the profundity of the Dhamma.
            7.  The WBU and all those who work in it shall act in accordance with the spirit of the
                provisions of the Constitution of The WFB and with the fundamental principles of
                international Buddhist norms.

            8.  The WBU shall organize Buddhist education programmes at certain levels to meet
                the needs of The WFB Regional Centres and other academic networks through an
                interdisciplinary approach with Buddhism.
            9.  The WBU shall disseminate the knowledge gained in its activities to The WFB and
                its Regional Centres, to scholars and to the public, in order to increase dynamic
                interaction in the worldwide Buddhist community on learning and research.
            10.  The WBU shall have as a central objective of its research and training centres and
                programmes the continuing growth of vigorous Buddhist academic and Buddhist
                communities everywhere and particularly in The WFB Regional Centres. It shall
                endeavour to alleviate the intellectual isolation of persons in such communities in the
                Regional Centres which might otherwise become a reason for their misunderstanding
                of Buddhist doctrines and disorganizing of Buddhist organizations.

            11.  In its postgraduate training the WBU shall assist Buddhist scholars, especially young
                Buddhist scholars, to participate in research in order to increase their capability to
                contribute to the extension, application and diffusion of Buddhist knowledge. The
                WBU may also undertake the training of persons who will serve in international or
                national Buddhist educational assistance programmes, particularly in regard to an
                interdisciplinary approach to the problems with which they will be called upon to deal.

                                                 ARTICLE II

                                 ACADEMIC FREEDOM AND AUTONOMY

            1.  The WBU shall enjoy autonomy within the framework of The WFB. It shall also enjoy
               the academic freedom required for the achievement of its objectives, with particular
               reference to the choice of subjects and methods of research and training, the
               selection of persons and institutions to share in its tasks, and freedom of expression.
               The WBU shall decide freely on the use of the financial resources allocated for the
               execution of its functions and activities.

                                   RECORD OF PROCEEDING  |  THE 11  MEETING OF THE WBU COUNCIL
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