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                                          COUNCIL OF THE WBU

            1.  There shall be a Council of the WBU (hereinafter referred to as “the Council”), to
               be established on a broad geographical basis with due regard to major academic,
               religious, educational, social and cultural trends in the world, taking into account
               the various fields of Buddhist study, with appropriate representation of scholars.
               The Council shall have not less than 17 but not more than 25 members serving in
               their individual capacity, who shall be appointed by the President of The WFB with
               endorsement by The WFB Executive Council. The Rector shall be an ex-officio Council
               member and serve as the secretary of the Council.
            2.  The President of The WFB shall appoint two WBU Council members: namely a Vice
               Chairperson for America, Europe, and Oceania regional group; and a Vice Chairperson
               for Asia and Africa regional group.

            3.  The President of The WFB and a representative of the National Office of Buddhism
               of Thailand where the WBU Centres is located shall be ex-officio members of the
               Council. The Council may invite representatives of concerned organizations and
               academic bodies to attend the meeting of the Council as observers.
            4.  Chairman of the Council shall be nominated among the Council members and
               appointed by President of The WFB.

            5.  The term of office of the WBU Council Members shall be five years and appointed
               by President of The WFB. No appointed Council Member may serve continuously
               for more than ten years or two terms.  With regard to replacement of the retired
               members, the Council shall be consulted with President of The WFB.
            6.  The Council shall:

                 A.  Formulate principles and policies which shall govern the activities and
                     operations of the WBU;

                 B.  Adopt such statutes as may be necessary for the application of the Charter;

                 C.  Decide upon the setting up or incorporation of the research, training and
                     Buddhist practice centres and programmes which constitute the totality of the
                     WBU in establishing standards for their operation either on its own authority,
                     in cases where they are set up, or by agreement in cases where they are being

                 D.  Consider and approve the work programmes on the basis of proposals submitted
                     to it by the Rector, and assign the funds therefore from budget allocated to the
                     WBU by The WFB;

                                   RECORD OF PROCEEDING  |  THE 11  MEETING OF THE WBU COUNCIL
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