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8. Assignment Officers for the 29 WFB General Conference
The Meeting approved the following members to perform the following duties.
8.1 Rapporteurs
g Ms. Sawanee Chuensumran (Chief)
g Mr. Frank Carter g Ms. Claire Alexandra Ransome
g Ms. Anita Carter g Mr. Destin Vu Nguyen
g Ms. Pornpan Charoensomchit g Ms. Jenny Jie Yu
g Mr. Simon Paul Kearney g Mr. Michael James Young
8.2 Members and Chairman of Steering Committee
g Rev. Masamichi Shodo Kobayashi (Chairman)
g Ven. Chao Chu
g Mr. Padma Jyoti g Mr. Jagath Sumathipala
g Dr. Steven S.W. Huang g Dr. Yo, Hsiang-chou
8.3 Members and Chairman of Drafting Committee
g Rev. Yoshiharu Tomatsu (Chairman)
g Ven. Phra Shakyavongvisuddhi g Mrs. Camellia Darmawan
g Rev. Masazumi Shojun Okano g Mr. Frank Carter
8.4 Members and Chairman of Nominating / Election Committee
g Dato’ Tan Gin Soon (Chairman)
g Rev. Kim Sun Woo (Kim Sang Ho) g Col. Sudath Madugalle
8.5 Auditor
g Mr. Pairoj Suriyakarn
9. Election of Executive Council Members
The Secretary-General took this opportunity to explain to the General Council that since the
28 WFB General Conference in South Korea, we have got eight elected EXCO Members
from People’s Republic of China, Chinese Taipei, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Sri Lanka,
South Korea, and Thailand of which they performed duties very well and assisted very
much to the President and The WFB Headquarters. Therefore, he proposed to the Meeting
to have the eight current EXCO Members to further in position for another 2 years term.
The following list of nominations for Executive Council Members were proposed to
The WFB General Council for consideration and asked if there were any objections. There
were no objections raised from the General Council.