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Subordinate organs of The WFB

               ⿤    The World Fellowship of Buddhist Youth (WFBY)

                   During the previous years before the 28  WFB General Conference the relationship
                   between The WFB and WFBY seemed to have some distance. Therefore, Executive
                   Board of WFBY decided to amend its Constitution so that it will be in conformity with
                   the Constitution of The WFB and they can perform their activities in accordance with
                   the Constitution and resolutions of The WFB.  In this regard, Rev. Hakuga Murayama,
                   Deputy President of WFBY, will be a Chairman of Amendment of Constitution of
                   WFBY with the assistance of Vice-Presidents of The WFB - Dato’ Tan Gin Soon and
                   Ven. Chao Chu.
                       At the 28 General Conference of The WFB, it was reported that there is not much
                   financial support to run its activity.  However, at the 91  EXCO Meeting in April B.E.
                   2561 (2018) Bangkok, Thailand, Mr. Denphong Suwannachairop, President of WFBY,
                   reported that there are quite a considerable amount of financial support for running its
                   activities throughout this year.  It is considered as progress of WFBY.

               ⿤   The World Buddhist University (WBU)
                   It was put into effective as of 18 September B.E. 2560 (2017) that Phra Shakyavongsvisuddhi
                   (Anil Sakya) was appointed as the new Rector of WBU and Prof. Noranit Setabutr, who
                   finished his 2-term Rector, be the Chairman of WBU Council.

                       In this regard, Phra Shakyavongsvisuddhi made request to President of The WFB
                   that The WFB Headquarters must responsible for financial matters of WBU with the
                   supervision of Executive Council Members of The WFB.  In this regard, there are 3
                   Executives of The WFB designated to handle WBU functions namely, Mr. Phallop
                   Thaiarry as Deputy Rector for Administration, Mrs. Kanchana Soonsawad as Assistant
                   Rector for Administration, and Ms. Pensri Roungpong as Assistant Rector for Finance.

                       It was also informed that the WBU Charter will be revised so that it will be properly
                   functioned as an academic wing and brain for The WFB.  The WBU was intended
                   to be the databank of scholarship and courses of Buddhism. In this regard, Phra
                   Shakyavongsvisuddhi had asked all EXCO Members to supply data about Buddhism
                   courses available in their countries.
                       Moreover, logo of WBU will be changed and needed to submit it to the 92 EXCO
                   Meeting for approval so that it can be used officially including the new WBU website
                   will work as search engine of education on Buddhism.

                                 RECORD OF PROCEEDING  |  THE 29  GENERAL CONFERENCE OF THE WFB
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