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⿤   Consideration for new application
               Since the 28  General Conference in Seoul, Republic of Korea, there are 8 new applications
               to be recommended and forwarded to the General Council of the 29  General Conference
               in Narita, Japan as follows:

                   1.  Bangladesh Bouddha Bhikkhu Mahasabha, Bangladesh
                   2.  Daylesford Dharma School, Australia
                   3.  Vietnamese Buddhist Phuoc Hue Temple Incorporation, Australia
                   4.  An Sim Jeong Sa, South Korea
                   5.  Federation of Australia Buddhist Councils, Australia
                   6.  Dipankara Buddhist Organization, Chinese Taipei
                   7.  Kapo Seba Sangha, Bangladesh
                   8.  Supatipanno Foundation, Thailand

            ⿤   Contribution Fee (Membership Fee) and more Regional Centres

               The outstanding of contribution fee ranging from 3-6 years and more than 10 years are still
               concerned issue for the Headquarters.  The Financial Section of The WFB had sent emails
               and registered mails to the Regional Centres that were in 1 to 6-year list.  However, 50%
               from the outstanding list of Regional Centres paid their fees.
                   Furthermore, there are several organizations have shown their interest to be member
               (Regional Centre) of The WFB and it had accumulated more than 200 members as of B.E.
               2561 (2018).

            ⿤   Office of The WFB at UNESCO or United Nations Organization or ASEAN

               The relationship between UNESCO and The WFB has been flourished during the passing
               times.  Previously The WFB used to have an office at UNESCO, however, there was a
               resolution at the 75  EXCO Meeting in Japan to discontinue it by the end of December
               B.E. 2551 (2008) on account of a considerable amount of renting cost.
                   However, in September B.E. 2559 (2016) The WFB with the co-operation of the Royal
               Thai Embassy and Office of Permanent Delegation of Thailand to UNESCO in Paris,
               France including Pure Land Learning College Association Inc. (a Regional Centre of The
               WFB in Australia under the leadership of the Most Ven. Chin Kung) held the International
               Peace Conference 2017 at the UNESCO Headquarter in Paris which received a favourable
               outcome; it had made The WFB more active in international level thru conference and forum.
               Consequently, with the assistance of the Most Ven. Chin Kung who kindly responsible for the
               expense of renting, The WFB is able to have an office at the Headquarter of UNESCO and
               its administration is controlled by The WFB Headquarters.  Consequently it was endorsed
               at the 91  EXCO Meeting in April B.E. 2561 (2018), Bangkok, Thailand that The WFB
               Office at UNESCO is to be opened.

                                 RECORD OF PROCEEDING  |  THE 29  GENERAL CONFERENCE OF THE WFB
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