Page 22 - mobile
P. 22
language. Both her eyes and Chellejary’s flashed of the sea to silver mist then quickly
turned back to normal.
There was a long pause as Chellejary contemplated her memories. “I don’t recall. I
suppose it's been since.. Well infancy . I have always heard my name called out from the
shadows and waters around me. When I was three things started to happen more. I can't
remember anything before 2 ½ years old really. So when I heard this voice I had a
strange feeling almost as if I knew it somehow, but I didn’t know what to do.”
(The girls looked shocked at what their friend was saying. Neither of them had ever
heard Chellejary talk about hearing voices. In that context or really in general aside
from the beach trip this last time. So hearing her speak in such a foren rich and deep
tongue and to a total stranger. Made them question everything they thought they knew
about their friend. I mean why wouldn’t they.)
“The second time we came back to the shores I heard it again. And this last time
we came we all heard it.” Chellejary told the lady.
She looked at them all very sceptically. “That’s impossible! Only merborn’s of the sea
can hear that of a siren call. (she laughed creepy like.) However! Since you managed to
make it past our barriers this deep into our ocean still breathing and all, I will let the
Council decide what to do with the three of you.'' She told them, as she vanished out of
the room like water.
All three of their eyes widened. “What the… What just happened?” Sireinamelosjhara
gaspingly asked. ‘Where did she go?” Colshios squealed, looking around quite shaken.
“What did we get ourselves into?” Sireinamelosjhara asked, looking at Chellejary then at
Colshios. Before anyone could respond water began to come up through the floor as if
everything were sinking. The girls freaked out a little and huddled on a white gray
weird squishy looking bedding that they had awoken on from earlier.
The water stopped about two inches from the edge of the bed. As it slowly receded
back down five water glob looking figures began to arise from the water in the floor