Page 26 - mobile
P. 26
It took hours to get everything squared away. But after letting the police and
everyone know that they were ok and alive and getting checked out by the dr.’s
everything seemed to go back to normal. Sure everyone had questions ‘well so did they.’
“What happened to us. And why can’t we remember?” Sireinamelosjhara said aloud. “I
don’t get it either. I mean the last thing I recall was hearing a voice on the shores and
getting our feet and hands wet.” Colshios said, shrugging her shoulders. “Me too.”
Sireinamelosjhara second. Chellejary shook her head, placing her left hand to her face.
As she held her temple and began to moan. The other two wisped their heads around and
looked at her. “Honey what’s wrong?” Colshios asked. “Girly what’s going on? Is
everything ok?” Sireinamelosjhara asked. There was a moment of silence form everyone
aside from Chellejary’s heavy breathing.
You could see the Ocean in Chellejary’s eyes. “I can hear her, I can hear her voice
calling. She’s calling me back to her.” Chellejary managed to mutter under my breath in
deep pantings. Her eyes flashed a pearl mist then back to normal just as quick. The two
didn’t even notice. “What?” Sireinamelosjhara asked. “What voice?” Colshios asked. “I
remember, I remember everything. But something is wrong I can feel it. I have to go
back.” she told them, pushing herself off the doorway she was leaning on. “What do you
mean go back. You're not making any since honey! What is going on?, what happened?”
Sirenamelosjhara inquired.
Chellejary tried to explain to them what happened; “ And afterwards we must have
washed up on the beach. But now I can feel the ocean as though it is a part of me.
Pulling my soul, pulling my every movement back to her. The Ocean.. She’s in danger or
something, I can feel it. I don’t know why but I must. I have to go back to her. She
needs me.” She tried to say without sounding completely insane. “If you feel that you
have to do this then we're with you. And support you.” Colshios said. Chellejary looked
at them both. Sireinamelosjhara nodes as Colshios smiles placing her hand on
Sireinamelosjhara’s back. “We got choo girl.” Sireinamelosjhara said. Throwing her head
up then back down. “Beside we’re family.” Colshios said.