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P. 34
is bubble talk.” Sireinamelosjhara told her. They both chuckled. Sireinamelosjhara’s
facial exspretion turned into half a smile and smirk, with wide wild eyes. “Weird I
wonder why?” Colshios responded. Then she turned back looking at the octopus.
“So who or what were you swiming from?” She asked. “Bbbb bi bbig big bbblue.” The
poor thing chattered with a stutter. She raised a brow at his statement. “Big blue hu.”
She reconfirmed. Sireinamelosjhara looked at her then at the octopus “Who’s big blue?”
She asked. “Bbig blue is everywhere, where it's dark and scary. It’s always playing scary
jokes on me. Trying to lure me into its clutches. I know I shouldn't be afraid but I am.
It is lonely out here in the ocean.” He told them.
“Well what did it say? All I hear is bubble blooping.” Sireinamelosjhara asked,
snapping her fingers at Colshios. “Well if you want you can come with us. We're
Looking for our friend Chellejary. We fear she might be in trouble of some kind.” She
said then looked at Sireinamelosjhara an back again. “Wait, Chellejary? As in the royal
Princess?... Oh no she should not be back in these waters for many more moons. The
Great eclipse hasn’t even happened yet.. It’s not safe for her here.” He told her..
“Princess?!!” They both exclaimed. Colshios was mersigning to Sireinamelosjhara what
the Octopus was saying as fast as she could.
“Yes, Chellejary is to be the Ruler of these waters. As soon as she comes of age. But
you merfolken of all fish should know this.” He replied. “Merfolken? What's a merfolken
we’re humans.” Colshios said. (He gasped) Wait, you mer's are you humans? But how
are you here and have tails?” He paused for a moment. “Well if that is the cave then I
will tell you the rest of the merlegend. It is said that Princess Chellejary is to live on
land till her 25th birthday, then she is to return to rule these waters as Queen. With her
chosen waterborne airs of the sea.” He started. The girls looked at each other. Colshios
was quickly translating to her confused friend as fast as she could while he continued.
“It was said long ago that The King of Unflareashma Findarehom (oon-flar-ee-sh-mah
Finn-dare-ee-uhm) had heard a cry from the shores and felt pity on a human couple
who couldn’t conceive. He called out for his sirens to lore the woman to their waters so
they could help her. So she could have a child. After a few months the lady later