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P. 89
mersibbling of hers. As they hugged Chellejary’s hands started glowing pink again with
vibrating golden flakes sparking off this way and that. A calming pulse of harmony
enriched the air around them. Soothing the pain in both their hearts. After a couple of
minutes Neefrena pulled away and wiped her tears and began to compose herself.
“Well, (taking a deep breath) I suppose there is more than meets the pearl. I will do
my ( clears throat) best to be a good sibling as my mother put it. (She finished wiping
her face with her hands drawing them back to her hairline) So what do you know about
us and the sea? Or those who are after you? What has your Human mother told you
of us?” She asked “My mother?” Chelljary quickly responded in a confused tone. “Yes ,
what did she tell you about us? About your Merside of yourself?” Chellejary pressed
her lips together so you could no longer see them. “Umm.. nothing?” She responded. The
lady's face was plastered in surprised shock. “In Real? Not a word?” Chellejary shook
her head.
“Um no. I mean up till a few weeks ago. I had no idea any of this existed. And even
then it has all been on the fly. Learning as I go. Don’t get me wrong I have always
hoped and dreamed about being a mermaid. And being able to breath under water and
swim like they do. But never had I thought in all my life that I would have ever seen
merfolken quite like this, let alone become one. Or to be that of a ruler over them as I’ve
been being told of late. My parents never told me any of this. Perhaps they were waiting
for the right time to give me the news. It is after all a bit far fished for a human to
hear let alone believe such a story.” She told the woman. Humbled. The woman's eyes
looked shocked. “How could the princess not know anything about us. With only a few
months till she comes of age to return to us. She needed to be trained, she needed to
know. She need too….." She stated frustratedly in her mind.
“I mean I have always had powers of sorts growing up. As long as I can remember.
Most I kept dormet to myself for years. At first, my powers felt more of an elusive
presence as if I imagined it. But as they grew stronger and more tangible showing
themselves more physically to the eye after I turned 18. Others started to believe me. I
was able to use them more and they were seen by the human eyes, not just invisible to