Page 3 - 2018 Spring Conference
P. 3

Schedule of Events

                                                                                 9:15 AM
                Thursday, April 5, 2018                                   Keynote Address:

                                                                            The Freak Factor
                            8:00 AM                             Discovering Uniqueness by Flaunting
                   Registration & Check In                                        Weakness

                     Continental Breakfast

                  Peacock Alley-Arizona Tower,                              David Rendall
                             Third Floor                            Keynote Speaker Biography

                                                              During the last fifteen years, David Ren-
                            8:45 AM                           dall has spoken to audiences on every in-

                         General Session                      habited continent. His clients include the
                              Pavilion A                      US Air Force and the Australian Govern-
                                                              ment, as well as companies in the Fortune
                                                              500  including,  Microsoft,  AT&T,  State

          •  Welcome: Nate Bowler,                            Farm Insurance and Ralph Lauren.
                 Conference Chair, Vice President,
                 AASBO’s Board of Directors                   In between presentations, he competes in
                                                              ultra marathons and Ironman triathlons.

          •  Opening Remarks:
                  Ricky Hernandez,                            Prior  to  becoming  a  speaker,  he  was  a
                                                              management professor and stand-up co-
                 President, AASBO’s Board of
                 Directors                                    median. He also managed nonprofit en-
                                                              terprises  that  provided  employment  for

                                                              people  with  disabilities.  He  has  more
          •  Executive Directors Report:                      than twenty years of experience leading
                 David Lewis, AASBO’s Executive               people and organizations.

                                                              David has a doctor of management de-
          •  Educational Programs Update:                     gree in organizational leadership, as well
                 Jeff Gadd, AASBO’s Director of               as a graduate degree in psychology.

                 Professional Development
                                                              He is the author of three books:
                                                              - The Four Factors of Effective Leadership
                                                              - The Freak Factor

                                                              - The Freak Factor for Kids
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