Page 8 - 2018 Spring Conference
P. 8

Accounting Sessions

          101: What’s New with Capital Assets                  301: Student Activities Best Practices
                 and Finding Variances in Your

                 Reconciliations.                              Best practices for Student Activities - Cash
                                                               handling, accountability, resources

          Review how to properly reconcile capital
          expenditures  on  an  annual  basis.  Review         Presented By: Courtney Piña - Peoria Unified
          how  to  properly  reconcile  additions  and         School  District  &  Melanie  Askew  -  Heinfeld
          deletions  to  asset  listing.  Review  changes      Meech
          to the USFR questionnaire and how to stay
          in compliance.

          Presented By: CW Payne - CW Payne Consult-
          ing, Bobby Williams II - Buckeye Elementary          401: Going Green with Infinite Visions
          School District & Roger Spivey - Litchfield El-
          ementary School District                             Want to know how your school district can
                                                               save money go green using Infinite Visions?
                                                               This  can  be  done  in  User  Defined  Forms
          201: Focus on County Reconciliation                  or E-Forms. Learn how to setup, configure
                                                               and  customize  user  defined  forms  and  in
          Show  me  the  money!    Where’s  Waldo?             addition, customize the workflow and ap-
          Chutes and Ladders! Go Fish and Russian              proval process.  This process will save time
          Roulette!  Does that sum up how you feel             and money for your district.
          and  deal  with  your  districts  reconcilia-
          tion with the County?  Whether it is with            Presented  By:  Ken  Martinez  -  Gilbert  Public
          the  County  Treasurer  or  County  Superin-         Schools

          tendent’s Office? There is some searching
          for Waldo, there can be climbing through
          transactions, sliding down a ladder along
          with a dose of gambling to find that “magi-
          cal” amount to balance your funds.  The
          reconciliation process doesn’t have to give
          you a migraine or have you feeling like you
          are sliding down a rabbit hole.  Come join
          the conversation on how to find the pre-
          scription to bring your reconciliation into

          Presented By: Tracy McLaughlin & Denise Wei-
          he - MCESA & Mary Leyva - Tolleson Elemen-
          tary School District
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