Page 10 - 2018 Spring Conference
P. 10

Child Nutrition                                        Maintenance &

                        Sessions                                Operations Sessions

         103: Procurement Review                               104: DX Diagnostics Tune-Ups to

                                                                       Increase Energy Efficiency
         Every three years the Child Nutrition Pro-
         gram goes  through an Administrative  Re-             This session is for anyone interested in effec-
         view. Are you ready? In addition to the AR            tive and inexpensive ways to increase life ex-

         a procurement review now occurs. Come                 pectancy and decrease energy consumption in
         hear about what you can expect when you               direct-expansion (DX) equipment.
         receive your review.                                  Presented  By:  Tom  Lowery  -  Wood  &  Sam

                                                               Garcia - Alhambra Elementary School District
         Presented By: Shannon Gleave - Glendale El-
         ementary School District
                                                               204: Are your playgrounds Safe?

         203: Buy American Provision                           Bringing  you  the  latest  facts  in  playground

         Child Nutrition professionals are required
         to have 51% of what they purchase come  Presented By: Deland Bentz - Dave Bang As-
         from America. What do you do when you  sociates, Inc. & Donnie Rodman - Laveen El-

         buy Bananas? Come hear from Arizona De- ementary School District
         partment of Education to explain the regu-
         lation and help you stay compliant.                   304: School Site Safety

         Presented By: Julie Shelton - Arizona Depart- We  will  be  talking  on  how  to  make  your
         ment of Education                                     school site safer for students from outside in-
                                                               truders, but still be inviting and approachable
         303: Block Grants                                     by parents and visitors.

         What  is  a  block  Grant  and  how  can  this        Presented By: Kaylee Sorensen - The Trust &
         impact your Child Nutrition Program.                  The Ledgend, Mike Fisher - Littleton Elemen-
                                                               tary School District

         Presented By: Shannon Gleave - Glendale El-
         ementary School District                              404: Proactive Irrigation Management

                                                               This presentation identifies those issues which
                                                               lead  to  poor  irrigation  systems  performance
                                                               and outlines the principles of effective water

                                                               Presented By: Dan Ensign - Litchfield Elemen-
                                                               tary School District & Herb Hoffman - Rain

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