Page 14 - 2018 Spring Conference
P. 14

Transportation Sessions

         108: Statistics/Loss Trends                           308: What’s New in Buses

         Stephanie will present on what the Trust              It’s been a few years since we have heard
         is seeing in trends and what we can do to  what the latest and greatest is in our school

         protect our districts.                                buses. With so many advances in technol-
                                                               ogy etc. What can we expect in our bus-
         Presented By: Stephanie Arbaugh - The Trust           es, and how can we maximize our dollars
         & Bert Herzog - Washington Elementary                 spent on them?”
         School District
                                                               Presented  By:  Del  Anderson  -  Auto  Safety
                                                               House,  John  Barrington  -  Canyon  State  Bus
                                                               Sales,  Tom  Hartman  -  RWC  International  &
         208: McKinney Vento Transportation                    Bert Herzog - Washington Elementary School

         Dorothy is the McKinney Vento Liaison for

         Washington Elementary School District and
         will talk about the in and outs of one of
         the  most  misunderstood  laws  we  face  in          408: Fingerprint Clearance Cards &
         transportation.                                               other issues facing Student

         Presented By: Dorothy Watkins - Washington
         Elementary School District
                                                               With several laws changing and new things
                                                               happening  in  student  transportation  we
                                                               will have a round table discussion on ev-
                                                               erything for the school bus driver.

                                                               Presented By: Ernie Meza   -  Deer  Valley  Uni-
                                                               fied School District & Bert Herzog - Washing-
                                                               ton Elementary School District

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