Page 18 - 2018 Spring Conference
P. 18

Pre-Conference sessions

                           Information Technology

                Wednesday, April 4, 2018                       301P: How to Mitigate Vendor/Third
                     8:00 AM - 4:30 PM                                  Party Cybersecurity Risks

                Mohave Community College,                      There are numerous security risks in giving third-party
                                                               vendors access to your district’s network and data. If
                     Bullhead City, Arizona                    a vendor gets hacked, your district can lose vital stu-

                                                               dent data, and confidential employee information can
                                                               be compromised. If it’s a serious incident, the conse-
                        Keynote Address:                       quences for your district can be devastating. Although

                                 Cisco                         it may be impossible to eliminate third-party security
                                                               risks altogether, in this session you will learn how you
                                                               can do a better job containing them through prudent
         101P: E-Rate Update for 2018                          planning, regardless of your district’s size or IT budget.

         E-Rate is an ever changing program. The technol-      Presented By: Ruth A. Unks - Timberland Consult-
         ogy needs are increasing but the funding is decreas-  ing, John Gay - Peoria Unified School District &
                                                               Ted LeSueur - The Trust
         ing. Learn the latest information related to E-Rate
         and what to expect in the future for this important   401P: Makerspace and Engaging the IT
         funding source.                                                Department in Classroom

         Presented By: EJ Nicely - Nicely Done Consult-                 Engagement
                                                               What is IT’s role in the planning, development, imple-
                                                               mentation, and integration of Maker Spaces? Avondale
                                                               and Glendale Elementary School Districts compare and
         201P: Protecting your network from                    contrast two different origins and end-results to meet

                  DDoS Attacks                                 the needs of their District leaders and students. Play and
                                                               learn about some of the highly engaging and “hi-tech”
         DDoS attacks are evolving. They’re now so com-        implementations  while  discussing  lesson’s  learned  on
         mon, it’s not a question of if an attack will occur,   topics including engaging key stakeholders and involv-
         but when. With new and trickier ways to under-        ing your IT staff in growing technology instruction.
         mine your site, is your district ready to protect it-  Presented By: Mark Gresko Jr - Avondale Elemen-
         self from denial of service attacks? Learn about the   tary School District & Russell Deneault -  Glen-
         effects of being targeted in a DDoS attack, identify  dale Elementary School District
         threats, and protect yourself from their impact and
         how Cox Communication’s Mitigation services can       501P: Realization of Digital Learning
         protect its customers.
                                                               Join Logicalis and Adam Petrovsky, GovEd US Practice
         Presented By: Greg McClain - Cox Communi-             Leader for an informative, interactive session in which
         cations & Russell Deneault - Glendale Elemen- we look at what fully realized digital education looks
         tary School District                                  like  in  K12.    We’ll  show  how  Personalized  Learning,
                                                               Digital Curriculum/Applications, and IoT/Analytics will
                                                               be placing significant demands upon technology and
                                                               how districts can plan ahead by developing a roadmap
                                                               looking forward.
                                                               Presented By: Adam Petrovsky - Logicalis & Rus-
                                                               sell Deneault - Glendale ESD
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