Page 15 - 2018 Spring Conference
P. 15

Vendor & Professional Development Sessions

                            Vendor                              409: The Zombies are (Finally) Here

         209: 3rd Party Solar Agreement                         For hundreds of years the undead have been
                                                                mildly threatening their return on the civi-
                                                                lized world, and recently we are even more
         Reviewing the mitigation process and sharing case
         studies of Arizona public entity 3rd party solar ser-  entertained  by  the  thorough  depiction  on
         vice agreements that have significantly increased,     TV  and  film  of  what  many  years  into  the
         NOT decreased, their respective electrical energy      apocalypse might look like. All jokes aside,
         costs.  A majority of Arizona school district 3rd      this session is a truly scientific look at school
         party solar service agreements are failing to ful-     district  disaster  scenario  planning,  city  and
         fill  the  objectives  and  promises  of  the  RFP  and   federal disaster preparedness in schools na-
         contract negotiation process. A.R.S. å¤ 15- 213.01     tionwide, current regulations and initiatives
         (J)(2) states that providers shall, “Reimburse the
         school district for any shortfall of guaranteed en-    that are under way to protect us in the event
         ergy cost savings on an annual basis.”  This remedy    of a health crisis, and tons of intriguing what-
         may provide relief to many schools who have 3rd        if  data.  Developed  by  data-driven  graph-
         party solar service agreements that have resulted      ics  professionals  who  are  also  parents,  this
         in increased electrical expenditures.                  session  is  lots  of  learning  and  some  laughs
                                                                about  what  we  can  do  when  the  zombies
         Presented By: Rick Romain - Technology Co-             are (finally) here.
         ordinators, LLC, Clyde Dangerfield, Attorney -
         Cantelme & Brown, PLC & Robert Pickels, City           Presented By: Nicole Christy - John Delano
         Attorney - City of Sedona

         309: Preparing our Youth for the Trades                             Professional

         Creative planning for engaging youth in facilities                  Development
         and the trades.                                        110: Degree Opportunities for AASBO
         Presented By: Greg Donovan - West-MEC

                                                                Learn  about  exciting  opportunities  to
                                                                achieve  an  Associates,  Bachelors  and/or
                                                                Masters  Degree  through  AASBO’s  part-
                                                                nership with Central Arizona College and
                                                                Ottawa University (tuition discount avail-
                                                                able). AASBO classes, workshops and cer-
                                                                tification programs will also be discussed.

                                                                Presented By: Jeffrey Gadd - AASBO & Tina
                                                                Hughes - Ottawa University
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