Page 11 - 2018 Spring Conference
P. 11
Human Resources & Payroll Sessions
105: Effectively Using Data from 305: FLSA – To Pay or Not to Pay
Positions and Pay to Calculate
1.06% Increases If a non-exempt employee attends a pro-
fessional development conference, are you
The legislature is undoubtable discussing required to pay them? What if they travel
the continuation of the 1.06% increase for after work hours? To complicate matters
Arizona teachers. This past year imple- even more is if the employee is traveling
mentation was a challenge for many dis- with someone or via airplane. Time at the
tricts and teachers were often left confused airport changes things too! This session will
understanding what pay was used to cal- review the federal pay rules related to pay-
culate the increase. This session will pro- ing non-exempt employees for time spent
vide a walk-through of how to use the data during professional development seminars
in Positions and Pay grid to calculate the and travel time to and from. Specific case
1.06% (or new legislative percentage in examples will be presented with audience
FY19) amount. Careful consideration for participation on how to best stay compli-
how payroll journal entries are processed ant with the Fair Labor Standards Act.
will be reviewed.
Presented By: Linda Robertson - Buckeye El-
Presented By: Daniel O’Brien - Mesa Public ementary School District & Karin Smith - Hein-
Schools feld Meech
205: Oops! 941 and W2 Corrections
405: Constructive Conflict Tools:
It is inevitable that at some point in your Solving Your District’s Internal
career you will uncover an error with a 941 Issues
or W2. Revising IRS forms can be nerve
wracking. The challenges associated with The session will address methods for
filling out a 941x or a W2c makes every- conflict resolution that work with small
one pause and double and triple check the groups, large groups and in employee rela-
work. It can be even more nerve wrack- tions situations. Attendees will gain skills in
ing to have these revisions cross over fiscal the areas of ‘destructive’ and ‘constructive’
years. This session will provide you with conflict resolution tools as well as how best
an understanding of what causes a need to identify ‘hot buttons’ that can derail the
to revise a 941, how to complete a 941x most sensitive situations within their Dis-
and how to best approach situations that trict.
cross calendar years and impact previously
issued W2s. Presented By: Teri J. Traaen, Ed.D., D.P.A.,
IPMA-HR SCP; SHRM-SCP - Traaen & As-
Presented By: Lindie Evans - Gilbert Public sociates, LLC
Schools 11