Page 12 - 2018 Spring Conference
P. 12
Information Technology Sessions
106: Preparing Your District’s Process 306: School Security and Visitor
and Procedures for Cyber Events Management Systems
Expect the unexpected. Cyber Events have Track your School’s Visitors
Visitor management in your school sends a mes-
the potential to massively impact your sage to all visitors that safety is a top priority.
school district. From the loss of data to los- School security systems are simple yet powerful
ing access to critical systems for day-to-day solutions that streamline the visitor sign-in pro-
functioning, learn how your organization cess. Track everyone who enters your campus
can be prepared for hidden threats and get and stop any threats at the door. The right sys-
ahead of the inevitable. tem will make it easy for you to track sign in
time, sign out time, reason for visit, who was
Presented By: George Gerardo - West-MEC visited, take a photo of each visitor and much
Run Background Checks on all Visitors
Security kiosks and sign-in solutions come
equipped with Visitor Management software,
206: Strategies for Engaging IT which runs background checks on all who at-
Employees tempt to sign in to your school. Stop sex offend-
ers, criminals, or make a custom list of banned
individuals for your school.
Engaged employees demonstrate greater Simplify School Visitor Management
levels of productivity, performance, posi- Get rid of your paper sign in and visitor log-
tive emotion, good health, and creativity ging system. Visitor management offers a faster,
while avoiding exhaustion and burnout. smarter way to manage visitors and know who
Disengaged employees exhibit burnout is in your school. It’s also an easier way to track
behaviors including cynicism, exhaustion, PTO hours.
and inefficiency contributing to decreased
productivity. In this session, participants Presented By: Brian Kohl - Neopost & Russell
will learn research-based strategies for in- Deneault - Glendale Elementary School District
creasing engagement of IT employees in
the public sector by developing positive re- 406: The REAL First Responder
lationships, providing empowerment with
support, and connecting work with mean- In a crisis, who is the Real First Responder?
ingful purpose. What happens before the police or fire de-
partments arrive? Learn what steps to take
Presented By: Dr. Michelle Benham - Dysart to equip the real first responders for success
Unified School District and leverage modern technology to man-
age those first critical moments.
Presented By: Mike Bradley - ECD Systems &
Mike Fisher - Littleton Elementary School Dis-
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