Page 9 - 2018 Spring Conference
P. 9
Business Administration Sessions
102: Capital Financing Alternative for 302: Developing Strong, Effective and
School Districts Efficient Communication
This session is an overview of school dis- How do we communicate the complex topics
trict capital funding options. The presen- of school finance and operations to our stake-
tation incorporates case studies as well as holders? Strong, effective, and efficient com-
a review of recent trends in school district munication helps build trust, understanding,
facility funding. Topics will include strat- and confidence between ourselves and our
egy for a bond election and bond sale various communities. This session will look
process, lease purchase financing for real at how we communicate with external stake-
holders who are outside the realm of school
property and/or equipment, tax rate man- business and discuss skills and tools (such as
agement ideas, bonding capacity consider- infographics and more) which we can use to
ations and relevant School Facilities Board help create positive relationships and success-
consideration. fully inform and communicate with our com-
munities and stakeholders about the important
Presented By: Mike LaVallee - Stifel, Nicholaus topics and issues facing education.
& Company & Nate Bowler - Buckeye Elemen-
tary School District Presented By: Jacqueline Gouin - Madison El-
ementary School District
202: Uniform Grants Guidance 101
402: What Should I Know About
This interactive training will provide an Refunding Bonds?
overview of the standard Uniform Grants
Guidance (UGG) subjects and fiscal pro- This session will include a brief overview and
cesses as it relates to grants management. discussion regarding historical and current tax-
Subjects discussed include Equipment, Ob- exempt interest rates, applicable federal tax
ligation, Interest and Indirect Cost. Partici- rules and regulations, call features and other
pants will be given time to ask questions considerations regarding the decision to re-
finance outstanding bonds. The session will
during the session. Participants will be bet- look at the various reasons AZ school districts
ter prepared to fiscally manage and follow decide to refinance their bonds.
the processes of their grants after attending.
Presented By: Bryan Lundberg - Stifel, Nich-
Presented By: Susy Broos & Katarina Pena - Ar- olaus & Co. & Jack Eaton - Dysart Unified
izona Department of Education School District