Page 13 - 2018 Spring Conference
P. 13

Purchasing Sessions

         107: Facilities and Purchasing                        307: Creative and Legal Asset Disposal
                Partnership - Building a                               Methods

                                                               What methods are available to you for as-
         How do you handle working with your fa- set  disposal?  The  materials  management
         cilities  personnel  to  get  everyone  on  the  section of the procurement rules has vari-
         same page? Join us as we discuss techniques  ous methods for disposing of our surplus
         and practices to develop a united relation- property. This session will focus on the var-
         ship  between  the  participating  depart- ious methods and strategies to make your
         ments.                                                District compliant and efficient. Bring your
                                                               questions and concerns to this session for

         Presented  By:  Gary  Barkman  -  Mesa  Public  answers.
         Schools & Bill Munch - Valley Schools
                                                               Presented  By:  Joseph  Leon  -  Mesa  Public
                                                               Schools  &  Bobby  WIlliams  II  -  Buckeye  Ele-
                                                               mentary School District
         207: Managing PO’s, Blankets and
                 Contract Purchases

         “Are  you  having  trouble  managing  your            407: Contract Management

         blanket PO? Are you unsure if the purchase                   (Panel Discussion)
         you are making is covered under contract?
         Or  how  about  that  capital  item  you  are         What’s actually involved with the contract
         wanting  to  purchase  while  you  are  out           administration  phase  after  award  of  the
         shopping?  This  class  will  have  many  tips        contract? Join this panel discussion to com-
         on how to keep track of your Blanket Pur-             pare  how  different  Districts  and  entities
         chase Orders and how to stay in compli-               handle  the  contract  administration  phase
         ance while using a blanket PO. Come join              of the public procurement cycle. Hear from

         us and sharpen your tools on becoming an              different size Districts on their process for
         excellent shopper.”                                   managing  contracts  and  learn  the  issues
                                                               that  come  with  managing  each  contract.

         Presented  By:  Christina  Piña  -  Tempe  Union  What’s similar and how do they differ.
         High School District & Laura Szymanoski - Dys-
         art Unified School District                           Presented By: Anita McLemore & Nancy Col-
                                                               baugh - Mohave Educational Services Cooper-
                                                               ative Inc., Lila McCleery - Phoenix Union High
                                                               School District & Gary Barkman - Mesa Public

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