Page 17 - 2018 Spring Conference
P. 17

Pre-Conference sessions

         Facilities, Maintenance & Operations

                Wednesday, April 4, 2018                        302P: Facilities and Purchasing

                     8:00 AM - 4:30 PM                                    Partnership - Building a

           Aquarius Hotel & Conference Center,                            Relationship
                        Laughlin, Nevada                        How  do  you  handle  working  with  your

                                                                facilities personnel to get everyone on the
                        Keynote Address:                        same page?  Join us as we discuss techniques

               Secrets to Successful Leadership                 and practices to develop a united relation-
                                                                ship between the participating departments.
         On the support side of the educational house, we build and
         maintain  schools,  transport  students,  feed  kids,  purchase
         stuff, supervise budgets, and pay people.  We are all subject  Presented  By:  Gary  Barkman  -  Mesa  Public
         to stress caused by limited resources, never ending daily chal-  Schools & Bill Munch - Valley Schools
         lenges, rapid escalation of technology, no boundaries to our
         jobs and seemingly unlimited demands for service.
         This presentation will identify tools designed to analyze and
         reduce stress and explore strategies to enhance performance.
         We will address best practices, tips and tricks of the trade for
         our leaders and supervisors.                           402P: What You Need to Know to
         Presented by: Skip Brown - Valley Schools                        Protect Yourself & Your Structure

         102P: How can Grounds Improve your                     What does water damage look like? What
                                                                can happen when it goes.
                  Student Attendance

                                                                Presented By: Vessa Roberts - East Valley Di-
         How  the  grounds  department  can  make  a            saster Services & Robert Franklin - Avondale
         huge impact on district enrollment and com-            Elementary School District
         munity pride by curb appeal.

         Presented By: Robert Jacobson & Donnie
         Rodman - Laveen Elementary School District
                                                                502P: Pavement Maintenance 202

         202P: SFB  Preventative Maintenance                    Pavement Maintenance Options

                                                                Presented By: Roy Sucanick - Regional Pave-
         Creating a maintenance facilities index based          ment & Jim Mcbay - Creighton School Dis-
         off  of  a  district’s  preventive  maintenance        trict

         Presented By: David Kennon & Carlos Mon-
         real - School Facilities Board
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