Page 19 - 2018 Spring Conference
P. 19
Pre-Conference sessions
Wednesday, April 4, 2018 203P: Beyond Mirror Grid
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM We will briefly discuss the set up and use of the mirror
Aquarius Hotel & Conference Center, grid, then we will go “Beyond the Grid” and cover
techniques and strategies that drivers need to create
Laughlin, Nevada safe defensive driving habits for any vehicle they op-
The grid is not only for teaching mirror placement; it
Keynote Address: is an onsite training area that gives your trainers the
Secrets to Successful Leadership opportunity teach the size and movement of the bus
in the safety of your yard.
We will cover exercises that can be done at the grid
On the support side of the educational house, to demonstrate Rear Visibility, Tail Swing and Off
we build and maintain schools, transport Tracking. This training helps drivers develop the un-
students, feed kids, purchase stuff, supervise derstanding they need for instant recognition of the
budgets, and pay people. We are all subject placement of their vehicle and its relationship to their
to stress caused by limited resources, never surroundings.
ending daily challenges, rapid escalation of
technology, no boundaries to our jobs and Presented By: Sandy Brown - Chandler Uni-
fied School District & Stephanie Arbaugh - The
seemingly unlimited demands for service. Trust
This presentation will identify tools designed
to analyze and reduce stress and explore
strategies to enhance performance. We will 303P: SPED Transportation
address best practices, tips and tricks of the
trade for our leaders and supervisors. Ginny and Doreen have been in Special Need
Transportation for many years. They will discuss
Presented by: Skip Brown - Valley Schools everything from wheelchairs, tie downs, wheel-
chair lifts, car seats, star seats and a lot more to
do with transporting our special needs students.
103P: Van/White Fleet Policies and Presented By: Ginny Fish - Washington Ele-
Procedures mentary School District
This session will discuss how we deal with
White Fleet Vehicles in our districts. What to 403P: Pre/Post Trip Inspections
expect in case of an accident, and what to do
in case of an accident. Doug will talk about the importance of inspecting
your equipment both morning and afternoon. Its
Presented By: Stephanie Arbaugh - The Trust & important because of who you are transporting
Bert Herzog - Washington Elementary School and it’s required.
Presented By: Doug King - Peoria Unified
School District 19