Page 2 - 2015 Winter Conference Brochure
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Winter Conference 2015

                                              Breakout Session I:               103:  Federal  Compliance  Matters
                                                                                for Bonds
                                                                                This  session  will  include  discussion  of
                                                                                current topics and developments within
                                            101: Charting the Course in a Small
          SCHEDULE OF EVENTS                District                            the federal compliance arena for bonds,
                                                                                including  the  new  Municipal  Advisor
                                            Discuss  issues  that  small  districts
                                                                                rules, EMMA continuing disclosure, arbi-
                                            encounter  and  how  they  can  maintain   trage rebate matters and more. The pres-
                                            compliance in a small staffed office.  entation  team  will  be  a  panel  including
        8:00 am—9:00 am                                                         Laura  Felten,  Assistant  Superintendent
        Registration &                      Presented  by:  Karin  Smith,  Heinfeld,   for  Business  with  Paradise  Valley  USD,
        Continental Breakfast               Meech & Co., Stephanie Herzog, Morris-  Jim Giel with Gust Rosenfeld PLC, Stephen
                                            town Elementary School District     Broden with Arbitrage Compliance Spe-
        9:00 am—9:15 am                                                         cialists  and  Bryan  Lundberg  with  Stifel,
                                            102:  Evaluation Committees: Mak-   Nicolaus & Co., Inc. The presentation can
        Welcome & Conference Overview
                                            ing Sure you Explain the Rules and   be configured for either a large or small
        Conference Chair Shari Zara and
                                            the Process                         group settings, as appropriate.
        AASBO President Mike Fisher         This  learned  panel  will  discuss  what  to
                                            do when it’s time to evaluate the RFP and   Presented  by:  Bryan  Lundberg,  Stifel,
        9:15 am—10:05 am                    you have your Evaluation Committee in   Nicholaus  &  Co.,  Inc.,  James  Giel,
        General Session & Keynote Address   place.  Your  mission  is  to  provide  them   Gust Rosenfeld, PLC, & Laura Felton,
                                            the navigational equipment to make the   Paradise Valley Unified School District
        Dennis Hoffman
                                            evaluation successful. The discussion will
        Economist, Arizona State University
                                            include  ways  to  help  your  committee
        and Director of the Seidman Research                                    104: School Foundations, PTO’s and
                                            keep  the  ship  afloat  and  make  a  sound
        Institute,  has  maintained  administra-                                Boosters: Legal Aspects of Dealing
                                            contract award.
        tive  and  research  oversight  for  many                               with Affiliate Organizations
        projects  undertaken  at  the  request  of  Presented  by:  Lari  Staples,  Peoria
                                                                                This session will address the proper ways
        Arizona  businesses  and  government  Unified School District, Connie Lataille,   that school districts can interact with and
        agencies. His extensive experience with  Glendale  Elementary  School  Distict,
        the state and local economy positions  Gary  Barkman,  Mesa  Public  Schools,   support  parent  teacher  organizations,
        him  for  his  current  research  interests   Laura  Szymanoski,  Dysart  Unified   booster  clubs  and  other  types  of  non-
        that  include  defining  and  measuring   School  District,  Bill  Brannen,  Govern-  profit organizations. Legally permissible
        the  role  of  research  universities  in   ment  Bid  Advisors,  and  Bill  Munch,    methods  of  processing  donations,  Gift
                                            Valley Schools Management Group
        regional development, quantifying the                                   Clause concerns, the need to have outside
        value  of  education  investments  to  the                              groups form non-profit corporations, and
        economic  prosperity  of  a  region,  and                               other  best  practices  when  considering
        measuring the impact of various fiscal                                  sharing or expending school district re-
        initiatives on regional development. Dr.                                sources will also be discussed.
        Hoffman  is  the  faculty  director  of  the
        Center  for  Competitiveness  and  Pros-                                Presented by: Anthony Contente-Cuomo,
        perity  Research  where  the  he  directs                               Udall Shumway PLC & Annette Moreno,
        the Productivity and Prosperity Project.                                Pendergast Elementary School District

        10:10 am—11:00 am
                                                                     Conference Snapshot
        Breakout Session I
                                                                                        Federal Issues
        11:05 am—11:55 am
                                                                                103: Federal Compliance Matters for Bonds
        Breakout Session II
                                                       Business                 203:  Continuing  Disclosure  and  SEC’s
                                            101: Charting the Course in a Small     Enforcement Actions Including MCDC
        12:00 pm—1:00 pm
                                            District                              Initiatives
        Lunch                               201: Cybersecurity and Privacy      303: The OMB Super Circular and What it
                                            301: How Not to Go Adrift When       Means to your District
        1:00 pm—1:50 pm                     Calculating and Reporting JTED and AOI  403:  Federal-School  Nutrition  Smart
        Breakout Session III                401: Are Your Financials Transparent?   Snack Compliance
        1:50 pm—2:05 pm
                                                                                         State Issues
        Break                                         Purchasing                104:  School  Foundations,  PTO’s  and
                                            102: Evaluation Committees: Making Sure    Boosters: Legal Aspects of Dealing with
        2:10 pm—3:00 pm                     You Explain the Rules and the Process   Affiliate Oranizations
        Breakout Session IV                 202: The USFR Compliance Questionnaire  204: Student Activities & Auxiliary
                                            302: On-Line Sales for Surplus Property   Operations
        3:00 pm                             402: Working with the Procurement Rules  304: Treading the Uncharted Waters of
                                                                                404: Cash Controls
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