Page 3 - 2015 Winter Conference Brochure
P. 3
Winter Conference 2015
Thank you to our
Breakout Session II: Breakout Session III: 2015 Winter
201: Cybersecurity and Privacy 301: How Not to Go Adrift When Conference Committee
You hold the data hackers want. What you
Calculating and Reporting JTED and AOI
can and should do about that. Discussion
This presentation will help school of-
on information security breaches and Chairperson: Shari Zara,
ficials ensure that their practices and
what to do if it should happen to your dis-
their records are in compliance with Queen Creek Unified School District
statute and ADE Guidelines regarding
Arizona Online Instruction (AOI) and
Presented by: Chris Schmaltz, Gust thank you to all who
JTED courses. The ADE Audit Unit has
Rosenfeld & Joanne Fimbres, Washington
Elementary School District audited many school districts recently, worked to organize each track
and some districts have had issues
202: The USFR Complicance Ques- with how to calculate their students’
tionnaire FTE status when these students are Federal Issues
This session will help you stay on
enrolled in AOI and/or JTED classes.
course and in compliance with the Chair: Donna Horton
We will go through several examples of
many requirements in the sea of
how to correctly perform these calcu- Palominas Elementary School District
Purchasing. The Auditor General has
provided you with this treasure map lations with attendees and we will an- Bryan Lundberg
and navigational guide to help you swer any questions they may have.
achieve success and keep the waters Stiefel, Nicolaus & Co., Inc.
Presented by: Lisa Eddy, ADE Audit
calm. Learn the best way to stay out of
Unit & Joanne Fimbres, Washington
shark infested waters. Karin Smith
Elementary School District
Presented by: Claudia Leon, Paradise Heinfeld, Meech & Co., P.C.
Valley Unified School District & Ken
302: On-Line Sales for Suprlus
Carter, 1GPA Purchasing Cooperative
Here is a relatively new way to dump the
203: Continuing Disclosure and
“junk” overboard without letting it drag you
SEC’s Enforcement Actions, inlcuding Chair: Joanne Fimbres
MCDC Initiative down too! Learn how to get started, what to
Continuing disclosure and SEC’s MCDC do, and what traps to avoid. This best practice Washington Elementary School District
Initiative method could be the buried treasure you have Jennifer Shields
been looking for. Discover the treasures hid-
Presented by: Sarah Smith, Gust Rosen- Heinfeld, Meech & Co., P.C.
feld, PLC, & Jennifer Shields, Heinfeld, den away in your district thru on-line auction.
Meech & Co., P.C.
Presented by: Howard Kropp, Washington
Sarah Smith,
Elementary School District & Trish Loren-
204: Student Activities & Auxilliary zen, West-MEC Gust Rosenfeld, PLC
303: The OMB Super Circular and
Student Activities and Auxiliary Stephanie Herzog
What it Means to your District
Operations are two areas where districts
The OMB published new Uniform Grant Morristown Elementary School District
have added responsibilities when it comes
Guidance to be implemented December
to processing payments and there are
26, 2014. This session will give a back- Valarie Pleasant & Jennfier Pleasant
some special issues to consider for both of ground and overview of the new guid-
these areas. We will provide a brief over- ance and highlight significant changes. Scottsdale Unified School District
view of the problems district’s encounter in
Presented by: Jennifer Shields & Karin
managing Student Activities and Auxiliary Brian Mee
Smith, Heinfeld, Meech & Co., PLC and
Operations and we will answer your ADE Representative Pendergast Elementary School District
questions to help you better understand
the issues related to these activities. 304: Treading the Uncharted Wa-
Melissa Higdon
ters of E-Records
Presented by: Cris Cable, Arizona Office
This session will provide an update on Tavan Advisory Services, LLC
of the Auditor General
changes in law for Records Management
and the various projects in regards to Matt Boucher & Melissa Moreno
electronic records that the Records Man-
ADE Audit Unit
agement Division of the Arizona State Li-
brary has begun.
Presented by: Jerry Lucente-Kirkpatrick,
Record Management Specialist, Arizona
State Library