Page 18 - The Edge - Fall 2019
P. 18


               BY DON HARRIS

               Lack of Internal Controls Can Open the Door to Fraud

              Fraud is committed by school employees under three  prosecutors, including the Attorney General, and recommends
            primary conditions – pressure, opportunity and rationalization.  how school districts can improve their operations.
              Investigators for the Arizona O   ce of the Auditor General   It begins with an allegation, which comes from various
            told AASBO members that generally all three must be present  sources, including mail, email and phone calls, and whether
            for someone to decide to steal public money. At a breakout  public money is involved. A report by the Association of
            session during the AASBO Summer Conference and Expo,   Certi  ed Fraud Examiners indicates that nationally about 40%
            Gretchen Augustine, Manager of the Auditor General’s  of allegations come from anonymous tips.
            Division of Financial Investigations, and Nikki Gill, a Financial      e length of an investigation varies depending on the
            Investigator, provided examples of school employees who broke   complexity of the review. If the person is indicted, the issue
            the law – and were caught – and o  ered recommendations on  becomes a public record. Augustine said 99% of the cases are
            how to reduce the possibility of fraud.                “pled out,” negating the need for a trial.
              Augustine explained that her unit investigates allegations
            of misuse of public money, provides a con  dential report to                         CONTINUED ON PAGE 20

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