Page 14 - The Edge - Spring 2016
P. 14


                            BY DON HARRIS

                            Getting to Know the Apples and

                            Oranges of Purchasing

              Describing  the  apples and  oranges  of procurement,  Terry   Now, he oversees security, HVAC, custodial, maintenance and
            Worcester, Director of Facilities and Operations for Scottsdale  grounds. “   ankfully, transportation is now o   my plate,” Worcester
            Uni  ed School District, told how important it is to be speci  c when  said. “I also oversee strategic planning and development.”
            making a major purchase.                                    e title of his presentation,    e Apples and Oranges of Facilities
              Mistakes can cost your school district a lot of money, whereas  and Operations, touched on the di  erence between purchasing
            careful planning and asking the right questions usually result to the  goods and purchasing services, and he said he separates how he
            right decision. In a breakout session at the Vendor/Buyer Conference  serves vendors and sta   internally. “   ere is a very bright line
            on Jan. 26, Worcester, an architect by profession, said he gave up  between services and goods,” he said, “and if you don’t understand
            his private practice   ve years ago and joined Mesa Public Schools,  the legal context, particularly in education, they blend together.”
            and about a year ago switched to SUSD, bringing with him a unique   Services are controlled by statute, while goods technically are
            sense of humor.                                        managed by the Uniform Commercial Code. “What happens when
              “When you walk into an administrative facilities position, you  apples and oranges come together?” he asked.
            have no idea what you’re getting into,” Worcester said.  “I oversee   For example, he told of having a phone he called his code
              ve areas, six including transportation for a short time, which I was  blue phone. “Every time it rings, something needs my attention,”
            not quali  ed for. I was in a garage bay looking up at a yellow bus and  Worcester said, adding that a chiller in a high school was not
            the mechanic handed me a big greasy part and said we needed ten  functioning. “We had a catastrophic chiller failure. We had to shut
            more of them. I tried to learn how to adapt real quickly.”

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                                                                                               THE EDGE  | SPRING 2016
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