Page 12 - The Edge - Spring 2016
P. 12


                            BY DON HARRIS
                            Professor Tells How to Shorten

                            Construction Projects, Save Money

             WYLIE BEARUP

              ASU Professor Wylie Bearup conducted a crash course  led the effort to change state procurement codes in 2000,
            on Alternative Project Delivery Methods for attendees in a  giving public entities the ability to use Alternative Project
            breakout session Jan. 26 at AASBO’s Vendor/Buyer Conference  Delivery Methods.
            and suggested some best practices to avoid problems.     Before alternative methods were approved, schools and
              Bearup, a professor at ASU’s Ira A. Fulton School of  other public entities used Design Bid Build. It was traditionally
            Engineering  and  Executive Director  of  the  Alliance  for  referred to as the low-bid process, under which each step had
            Construction Excellence, told how efforts of the Alliance  to be completed before the next one could start. “It resulted
            provided school districts with additional procurement options  in the longest project duration and adversarial relationships,”
            for construction projects. The Alliance, created in 1992 as an  Bearup said. “There is no opportunity to compress the duration
            industry outreach arm of Del E. Webb School of Construction,  of the project.”

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                                                                                               THE EDGE  | SPRING 2016
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