Page 8 - The Edge - Spring 2016
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Custodial, Landscaping and Bundled Energy
Services by ABM Enhance Learning Environments
Schools can clean up, spruce up and provide a better learning What he really likes about the Summer Conferences is the
environment for students without busting their budget. way events are scheduled so AASBO members have more time
In fact, they can save an average of 20 percent by outsourcing to spend with vendors. Compared to conferences staged by other
custodial, landscaping and energy services, according to AASBO’s organizations, AASBO dedicates a longer window of time for its
newest Alliance Partner – ABM. Wayne Moffet, Operations members to visit vendor booths.
Manager, K-12, for ABM, said his rm serves 170 public school What’s the main reason ABM became an Alliance Partner? “We
sites in Arizona totaling 17 million square feet, and landscape more truly are their partner,” he said. “It’s a good way to do our part to
than 30 sites, mostly in the Phoenix and Tucson areas. support education and the AASBO membership. I see AASBO as the
“At ABM we understand the importance of education for the strongest of the education organizations out there for participating
future, and we proudly do all we can to support Arizona students vendors. AASBO membership gives me an opportunity to meet
and schools,” Mo et said. “Because we know public school funding more one-on-one with clients than other education organizations.”
in Arizona is among the lowest in the country, we want to nd Moffet and others at ABM admire the commitment and
more e cient and e ective ways to help create clean, healthy, and dedication of AASBO members for what they do. “ at said, ABM
safe classroom environments that enhance student learning and understands the di culties school districts have been facing for
success.” the last decade relating to lack of classroom funding – including
About 15 years ago, schools were having difficulty with increased levels of deferred maintenance that is a result of
janitorial sta ng and that’s when ABM stepped in. Outsourcing decreased capital spending. ABM has been successful in providing
became more popular as schools lost employees through attrition. guaranteed operating cost savings through its Bundled Energy
“It became more common to outsource once they realized the Solutions program that help improve this funding shortfall. Our
savings,” Mo et said. “First it was individual schools, then entire expertise creates e ciencies that can save up to 30 percent of your
districts.” maintenance budget in areas that we service, that is otherwise
With ABM providing the labor, supplies and necessary trapped and spent ine ectively.”
equipment, savings range from 10 to 30 percent, averaging about In a message to members of the Arizona Legislature, Mo et
20 percent, Mo et said. “Regarding custodial services, we utilize thanked them for sending Proposition 123 to the ballot, which is
proven best practices and the most e cient equipment available, designed to provide public schools with an additional $3.5 billion
allowing us higher production rates than typically seen in the over 10 years.
marketplace. e higher production allows ABM to pay a higher “Compared to other states, student funding and teacher
hourly wage, resulting in better recruiting and retention rates.” salaries in Arizona are some of the lowest in the country,” he
Studies have con rmed that an optimal physical environment said. “Education draws industry to the community and industry
contributes to less absenteeism, as well as improved student signi cantly contributes to the taxes that enhance education
learning and achievement. ABM has been providing outsourced budgets. I would ask our legislators to take a closer look at this
custodial/janitorial services, landscape, and energy solutions to the discrepancy and put more focus on raising our education levels so
Arizona public school system since 2001. ABM works directly with they are on par with other states who have made education funding
business managers, superintendents, and school boards to help a priority.”
them set the strategic direction and budgets for maintenance for
their districts. Wayne Moffet can be reached at or (480)
Mo et has been attending and participating in the AASBO 968-8300; or cell, (602) 463-4905. ABM ( is a
Summer Conference and Expo for more than a decade. “ e leading provider of facility solutions with revenues of $4.9 billion
AASBO conferences have been a huge bene t,” he said. “I see a and more than 100,000 employees in 350 of ces throughout the
lot of my clients over a two-to-three-day period, seeing them in United States and elsewhere.
a di erent setting than in their o ce. I also see a large number of
prospective clients. e beauty of the conference is that I can be
talking to a client and a prospective client walks up. en the client
can talk to the prospective client, telling them about their history
with us.”