Page 10 - The Edge2023 - Spring
P. 10
AASBO Hits High Marks Every Single Time
Kenneth McKenzie
Dear AASBO Members: of time. The mission of the AASBO is to promote the
highest standards of school business management
It is an absolute pleasure to be on the Board of by providing quality training, legislative leadership,
AASBO as Director of Member Services. Since I and cultivating the professional stature of its
first became a member of AASBO I have been given members. This organization hits this mark every
such an opportunity to continue my professional day of the year and continues to amaze me. Thank
growth and development with all the workshops you AASBO for being there for its members.
and classes that this organization has to offer.
AASBO has actively been supporting the goals Kenneth McKenzie, Budget Accounting Specialist for Wilson
and objectives of the education institution with School District #7, can be reached at:
which we work since 1954 when AASBO was
founded. When the original founders started this
organization, I am sure they had no idea that
AASBO would grow and become a very important
player in the School Business sector of public #1 EDUCATION BUILDER
schools across the state of Arizona.
It’s exciting to see the organization flourish over
the years and seeing its members come together
at the various bi-monthly meetings and exemplary
conferences that are held every year. When asked
by another colleague for help, they listen and help
wherever they can. No sense in reinventing the
wheel, so to speak. So, if you seem stuck in an area
of your job, just reach out to other members and
you will be surprised at the wealth of knowledge
that will be dumped into your lap. Remember that Proud Supporter of AASBO
knowledge has a beginning but no end and that the and Arizona’s Bright Future.
end of all knowledge should be a service to others
– this is where AASBO steps up and thrives with
its members.
The mission of AASBO is very true and the
organization has held this mission through the test