Page 16 - The Edge2023 - Spring
P. 16
Here’s How to Make the Procurement Process Better for Vendors and Schools
To be successful, vendors and their teams must Kinsey mentioned two more “Ps” to the process:
know the basics of Arizona purchasing law and “Professionalism” and “Performance.” There
Arizona School Board Procurement Rules, Kinsey were added as emphasis by Hostetler of Tempe
said. “Take the time and effort to get training Union during preparation of the presentation.
on these areas,” he said. “All correspondence,
including emails, are public record.”
“There is nothing more important
A vendor’s goal should be to become a valued
partner with a school district. Kinsey explained than performing on the first contract or
that means you have been awarded a contract purchase order.”
that the school district solicited, and you have
been issued a purchase order under a cooperative – Mark Kinsey
in which the district performed due diligence
– a written determination was completed by the
district in which many factors were considered.
“Be professional, with timing and message,” he
said. “Was your team timely and professional
throughout the process? That’s fundamental to
The Benefits Partner of Choice anything you do in life.”
The Benefits Partner of Choice
More than 4,000* school districts prefer our industry-
leading benefits education and enrollment support. On the fifth “P”, Kinsey asked: “How was your
More than 4,000* school districts prefer our industry- team’s performance? Where did you miss the
American Fidelity can work alongside your current
leading benefits education and enrollment support. boat?”
Health Trust or Broker to help with:
American Fidelity can work alongside your current
• Comprehensive benefits planning
Health Trust or Broker to help with:
• Guided one-on-one benefit reviews (virtual or In closing, Kinsey said, “School districts need
• Comprehensive benefits planning
• Guided one-on-one benefit reviews (virtual or great vendors who want to work with them. Are
• Ongoing employee benefits education
in-person) you currently one of those vendors, or are you
We’re partnering with school districts in your region. We striving to be one of them? Look closely at your
• Ongoing employee benefits education
can work with you too.
We’re partnering with school districts in your region. We current strategy with approaching schools and see
can work with you too. where you can refocus or improve those visits for
your benefit and the schools.”
Mark Kinsey can be reached at: or
(520) 599-9012
Arizona Branch Office
800-616-3576 •
Arizona Branch Office
* American Fidelity internal data, data as of 7/31/20.
800-616-3576 •
* American Fidelity internal data, data as of 7/31/20.
SB-33181-0321 American Fidelity Assurance Company
SB-33181-0321 American Fidelity Assurance Company