Page 32 - The Edge2023 - Spring
P. 32

Here’s How and Why to Be an Ethical Leader

        The  article  focused  on  a  survey  of  1,200  non-   technical violations more severely than ethical
        management  employees which  determined that            violations; believing that the top decision-makers
        people do not quit organizations — they quit bosses,    are so bright that if they favor a course of action,
        Mee said, adding,. “People are searching for a sense    then  that course  of action must be ethical, and
        of purpose and meaning in their work, no matter         valuing toughness over integrity.
        what that work is. People want to be respected as
        whole human beings with a life outside of work,         The solution, according to Mee, is having leaders
        and people will do almost anything for a supervisor     with virtues, morals, integrity and ethical character.
        or manager who respects and appreciates them.”          “That’s what we’re looking for,” he said. “Ethical
                                                                leadership starts with making right decisions.”

        There is no right way to do the                         Before making a major decision involving funding

        wrong thing."                                           or personnel, Mee said you should ask yourself
                                                                if it is legal, balanced, and how will it make me
                                         – Brian Mee            feel about myself – will it make me proud? Would

                                                                I feel good if my decision was published in the
        Actually, 7% said they quit because a supervisor or
        manager did not say good morning to them. “You          Regarding legality, if it violates ethical or civil
        can’t always do that every morning, but it is nice,”    law or district regulations, don’t go there, Mee
        Mee said. “The Number One reason people quit            said. “If it’s a gray area – we don’t need gray areas
        their job – they felt their boss did not appreciate     with company policy,” he said.
                                                                Is the decision balanced and fair to all concerned
        The major things people look for in an organization     in the short term and the long term? “Are you fair
        are work/life balance, meaningful work, and a           when you hire or fire somebody?” Mee said. “If
        better relationship with their bosses, Mee noted.       that’s the case, it’s an easy decision.”

        He identified eight ways that an organization can       Mee cited five principles of ethical leadership
        encourage unethical behavior, according to an           from an article by Kenneth Blanchard titled The
        article  by  Michael  Wade  on  Leadership,  Ethics,    Power of Ethical Management:
        Management, and Life. They are: hooting bearers
        of bad news; labeling dissenters as incompetents          • “Purpose: I see myself as being an ethical
        and malcontents; letting the end justify the means;         sound person. I let my conscience be my guide.
        seeking to be right instead of doing right; justifying      No matter what happens, I am always able to
        questionable behavior by noting that everybody              face the mirror, look myself straight in the eye,

        does it or that the competition did it first; punishing     and feel good about myself.”

                                                                                            CONTINUED ON PAGE 34

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