Page 34 - The Edge2023 - Spring
P. 34
Here’s How and Why to Be an Ethical Leader
• “Pride: I feel good about myself. Don’t be you see is what you get. Being authentic means
arrogant. If your ego gets in the way, you’re that your actions mirror what you believe and feel,
not doing the right thing. I don’t need the and that there is no contradiction between what
acceptance of other people to feel important. you do and what you say. Authenticity is strongly
A balanced self-esteem keeps my ego and my connected to building trust.”
desire to be accepted from influencing my
decisions.” To demonstrate that you are authentic, you need
to provide honest opinions. “Don’t sugar coat,”
• “Patience: I believe that things will eventually he said. “Act with integrity. Promote trust among
work out well. I don’t need everything to be others. Disclose by sharing thoughts, feelings,
perfect. I am at peace with what comes my and rationale when appropriate. If you tell people
way! Probably one of the hardest things we do why they are doing something, they are more
is having patience. We make decisions every likely to follow you. Display confidence but avoid
day, some quickly. If it’s a big decision, which arrogance.”
may involve big dollars and involve personnel,
what you may need to do is take a step back.” It’s also important to bring out the best in people,
Mee said. “Cultivate and optimize others’ talents
• “Persistence: I stick to my purpose, especially and capabilities.”
when it seems inconvenient to my intentions.
When you know it’s right, be persistent. That’s Using an analogy, Mee said if you put people on
very important. If you’re wishy-washy, staff a bus, make sure they’re in the right seats. “If I
will know. As Churchill said, Never! Never! have an employee with no passion, not getting
Never! Never! Give up!” things done – that employee is not doing what
their passions are, what they want to do. Look at
• “Perspective: I take time to enter each day their strengths. Give them responsibility in line
quietly in a mood of reflection. This helps me with their strengths. You can turn an organization
to get myself focused and allows me to listen around. It inspires performance and morale. Look
to my inner self and see things more clearly. at what people are doing right. If they’re doing a
Take some time with tough decisions.” great job, let them know right away.”
Mee considers the role of an ethical leader is Quoting Eileen Bistrisky, President and CEO of
to “create an environment that fosters trust, Effective Leadership Consulting, Mee said, “Great
motivates and inspires their employees to achieve leaders are not the best at everything.”
results.” He continued: “Effective leaders need to
be authentic, bring out the best in people and be He summarized: “They find people who are the
receptive to feedback. What does it mean to be best at different things, and bring them together
authentic? It’s the quality of being genuine. What on the same team. Always surround yourself