Page 40 - The Edge2023 - Spring
P. 40
What To Do if There Is a Conflict of Interest Possibility
voided by the public agency. The court could award exception, especially in a group setting, such as
payment of costs and attorney’s fees. happy hour events.
MacLennan recommended that notice of the school But if a vendor is offering to take a school official
district’s ability to cancel a contract affected by a to a game and sit in the owner’s private box, that’s
conflict within three years of its execution should probably beyond nominal value, MacLennan said.
be included in every contract. Regarding the hiring of close relatives, no one
employed by the district should be directly
School officials – as well as vendors – need to supervised by a close relative. MacLennan cited a
know what school officials can legally accept. State firm rule: the spouse of a board member cannot be
statute prohibits a public officer from accepting a employed by the district.
valuable thing or benefit that may affect or influence
the public officer's vote or actions for the benefit of If a district is considering the purchase of
the donor rather than the public good, MacLennan equipment, material, supplies or services from
said. “That could include the acceptance of a gift district employees, it must comply with competitive
or something of value even if there is no direct purchasing rules regardless of the dollar amount.
link between what is given and what is expected in This requirement applies to any purchase using
return," she added. district funds, including extracurricular activities
fees, tax credit contributions, and money held in
trust by the district, such as student activities funds,
“What the public eye cares about according to MacLennan.
varies from time to time and depends
on the political climate.” She strongly recommended annual conflict-of-
interest training for all district employees. In
– Jennifer MacLennan addition, every district employee must file a Conflict
of Interest Disclosure at least annually, stating
whether there is or is not a conflict. If there is a
It is considered a class 6 felony if a school official conflict, it must be identified.
solicits, accepts or agrees to accept any personal
gift or benefit with a value of $300 or more from a
vendor. If the value is less than $300, it’s a class 1 Jennifer MacLennan, Gust Rosenfeld, P.L.C., can be reached
misdemeanor. MacLennan explained that a gift or at: or (602) 257-7475. Please
note that these materials have been provided for general
benefit does not include an item of nominal value
information purposes only and are not intended as legal advice
such as a greeting card, candy, T-shirt, mug or pen. or a substitute for such advice.
District policies may also impose limits or allow
inexpensive novelty advertising items, including
holiday gifts, of general distribution Meals are an