Page 42 - The Edge2023 - Spring
P. 42


                          BY TYLER MOORE
                          Managing a School Budget Is Critical

                          to Student Success
        Tyler Moore

        As a school business official, one of the most          language such as shipping directly to each school
        critical responsibilities is to ensure that the school   sites. By using its resources effectively, the school
        district has adequate and effective financial           district can allocate more money to areas that
        management.  Effective  financial  management           directly  impact  student  success,  such  as  hiring
        is essential in ensuring that schools can provide       qualified teachers and purchasing educational
        students with  the resources  and support  they         materials.
        need to succeed.  This article will discuss the
        importance of effective financial management in         Effective  financial  management  also  helps  to
        schools and how it can impact student success.          ensure that the school is prepared for unexpected
                                                                expenses, such as repairs and renovations. By
        One of the primary responsibilities of a school         setting aside funds for emergency situations,
        business official is to manage the school's budget.     the school district can avoid having to dip
        This includes determining the amount of money           into its operating budget, which could impact
        available to the school, allocating funds to various    student success. Furthermore, effective financial
        programs and departments, and monitoring                management helps schools to prepare for long-
        the  school's  spending.  Effective  financial          term  investments,  such  as  the  construction  of
        management ensures that schools have sufficient         new buildings or the purchase of new technology,
        funds to provide students with the resources they       which can help to ensure that the school remains
        need to succeed, such as textbooks, technology,         competitive and provides students with the
        and extracurricular activities.  This may seem          resources they need to succeed.
        relatively  simple, but  often  the  complication
        comes with the implementation and oversight of          Finally, effective financial management is critical
        those budgets.                                          to ensuring that school districts have the resources
                                                                they need to provide students with the education
        Another important aspect of effective financial         they deserve. By managing the school district’s
        management  is  ensuring  that  the  school  district   budget efficiently, allocating funds effectively,
        is spending its money efficiently.  This includes       and preparing for unexpected expenses, school
        ensuring that the school is not overspending on         business  officials  can  help  to  ensure  that  their
        certain areas, such as administration, and that it      school  district remains competitive and  that
        is getting the best value for its money.                students have the support they need to succeed.

        For example, the school may consider purchasing
        bulk supplies or negotiating contracts with vendors     Tyler  Moore,  Higley  Unified  School  District  Chief
        to reduce costs. Many districts utilize a central       Financial Officer and AASBO Treasurer can be reached at:
        warehouse for purchasing supplies in bulk, while
        others negotiate multi-year contracts that include

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