Page 17 - The EDGE Winter 2022
P. 17

Insider Views on What to Expect in Legislative Session


        teacher or your kids lost their teacher because we  Kotterman said the appetite for reform among
        had to cut 40 positions,” Beebe said.                   conservatives is high. Regarding a short-term fix,
                                                                he said, “They’re staring down the barrel of $1.2
        As far as a long-term solution, Beebe said, “I don’t  billion cut to schools. They have to act so it works
        know what’s going to happen, but it will be more  out to their advantage. The question is: What price
        contentious than the override.”                         are we going to pay – what are they going to try to
                                                                extract from us?”
        Dell’Artino  said  she,  too,  was  encouraged  after
        the meeting with leadership, but said conservative
        Republicans want something in return. “It’s a game      Rebecca Beebe can be reached at: (602) 252-0361
        of chicken,” she said. “They’re going to try to get
        what they can from education. I doubt that they will    Meghaen Dell’Artino can be reached at:
        close your schools in an election year – just don’t     or (602) 200-6777
        play  their  game,  because  they’re  going  to  pass  it
        eventually. It would be political suicide for them,     Chris Kotterman can be reached at:
        but  they’re  going  to  try  to  get  something  out  of

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