Page 15 - The EDGE Winter 2022
P. 15

Insider Views on What to Expect in
        Legislative Session                                        The Benefits Partner of Choice

                                                                   The Benefits Partner of Choice
                                                                   More than 4,000* school districts prefer our industry-
                                                                   leading benefits education and enrollment support.
        the fiscal year (in 2021). It was difficult for them       More than 4,000* school districts prefer our industry-
                                                                   American Fidelity can work alongside your current
        to get a budget through – they had to put a lot of         leading benefits education and enrollment support.
                                                                   Health Trust or Broker to help with:
        policy in it to bring on votes of many rank and file       American Fidelity can work alongside your current
                                                                      •  Comprehensive benefits planning
        members.” She mentioned issues like a prohibition          Health Trust or Broker to help with:
                                                                      •  Guided one-on-one benefit reviews (virtual or
        on mask mandates and vaccines mandates.  “Not                 •  Comprehensive benefits planning
                                                                      •  Ongoing employee benefits education
        just in K-12, but other policy areas – some election          •  Guided one-on-one benefit reviews (virtual or
        stuff.”                                                        in-person)
                                                                   We’re partnering with school districts in your region. We
                                                                      •  Ongoing employee benefits education
                                                                   can work with you too.
         She recalled that school groups were able to kill         We’re partnering with school districts in your region. We
        certain bills and that language was then inserted          can work with you too.
        into a budget bill. “They’re going to have a more
        difficult  time  getting  some  of  their  policy  things,
        like open enrollment,” Beebe said.

        Essigs asked whether the court ruling will be good                       Arizona Branch Office
        or bad for education-related bills, including those                  800-616-3576 •
        that are beneficial to schools.                                          Arizona Branch Office
                                                                   * American Fidelity internal data, data as of 7/31/20.
                                                                             800-616-3576 •
        Dell’Artino  said  the  restriction  on  putting  policy   * American Fidelity internal data, data as of 7/31/20.
        issues in budget bills is amplified by other issues,     SB-33181-0321                      American Fidelity Assurance Company
        including  the  decision  by  Sen.  Michelle  Ugenti-
                                                                                                    American Fidelity Assurance Company
        Rita, R-Scottsdale, to resign from the Appropriation  Some  fiscal  issues  relating  to  the  trust  fund  and
        Committee, and a letter she sent to Senate President  the angel tax credit had to be removed from the
        Karen Fann saying, in effect, “You can go find your  budget  bills  and  passed  with  Democratic  votes,
        16 votes elsewhere.”                                    even  though  no  Democrats  voted  for  the  budget
                                                                bills, Dell’Artino said. “We will see those kinds of
        That  leaves  Fann  to  deal  with  Sen.  Paul  Boyer,  a  games played,” she said. “I would not want to be in
        Glendale  Republican,  who,  Dell’Artino,  said,  “at  leadership in the House or Senate. They are going
        times is with us on education issues and at times is  to have their work cut out for them.”
        not.” There are some issues that Ugenti-Rita cared
        about but Boyer did not, complicating the process.  Essigs asked about a short-term and long-term
        “I think it’s good to go back to a more pure budget,”  solution of the aggregate spending limit issue so
        she said.                                               school districts won’t have to cut $1.2 billion from
                                                                spending in 2022.

        “It’s a game of chicken,” - Meghaen                     Beebe said the Legislature needs to override the

        Dell’Artino                                             spending limit by March 1, 2022, and that she
                                                                and others met with legislative leadership who
                                                                expressed their support.  Although some see her
        Dell’Artino  said  leadership  should  tell  individual  as an alarmist, Bebee she said she is confident the
        members to get the votes for their policy issues  override will go through. No legislator wants to go
        separately or the whole budge bill will go down.  on the campaign trail and explain why they didn’t
        “We don’t want to see that," she said.                  pass the override “and now you lost your job as a
                                                                                            CONTINUED ON PAGE 17

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