Page 2 - 2015 Vendor/Buyer Conference Brochure
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Vendor-Buyer Conference 2015
Breakout Session I: Breakout Session II:
101: Misconceptions and Myths within
the Procurement World 201: Best of Ted Talks:
SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Well Mate’, don’t get caught up with the Come and be Inspired
Join Sea Captain Jeremy Calles on this
misconceptions and myths that lie beyond
voyage to the Isle of TED Talks. This
the squally seas. Learn the details that entertaining session will focus on today’s
should help to keep you on course. Staying hottest ideas from big thinkers around
8:00 am—9:00 am
compliant will most likely keep you from the seven seas. Grab your mates and come
Registration &
walking the plank or having the AG’s office aboard – you won’t want to miss it!
Continental Breakfast
toss you in the brig. Ole Captain Munch Presented by: Jeremy Calles, Kyrene
(no relation to the cereal guy!) is as snarly Elementary School District & Justin Rojas, CEC
9:00 am—9:15 am
as ever, so let’s hear his best pirate tales!
Welcome & Conference Overview
202: Your Treasure Map: Simple Keys
Conference Chairs Anita McLemore Presented by: Gary Barkman, Mesa to Successful Bids and Proposals
and Victoria Stringham with AASBO Unified School District & Bill Munch, Valley All hands on deck! Vendors, do you
President Mike Fisher Schools Management Group know the critical difference of IFB’s
and RFP’s? Come learn tips on how
102: Performance Evaluation vs. References best to respond, important points to be
9:15 am—10:05 am Determining if a Vendor is Seaworthy: addressed, and why vendors get tossed
overboard from solicitations. How to
General Session & Keynote Address This session will address the best ways to
best time-manage your response, only
Barbara Corella analyze if a vendor can provide products and a ship of fools would procrastinate!
State Procurement Administrator services that will allow us smooth sailing Don’t let the competition take the wind
The Arizona State Procurement Office as during the contract. Past performance is a out of your sails, be sure to attend this
a Partner in School District Purchasing great indicator, but what are the best ways to information-packed session!
Here is a great opportunity to meet check our gauges and assess this indicator? Presented by: Gary Barkman & Karen
the State’s top procurement official. Fleetwood, Mesa Unified School
Barbara will discuss the role of the Presented by: Cindy Hostetler, Mesa District & Bill Brannen, Government
State Procurement Office as it relates Unified School District & Kevin Startt, Bid Advisors
to school districts and the vendors Tucson Unified School District
that serve school districts. She will 203: The True Colors of the Ocean
address recent procurement reform 103: Seas the Moment: Valuable Resources
legislation and talk to us about the for Face-to-Face K-12 Communication
Do you tend to run short and choppy or calm
latest happening at the State Procure- We know you run a tight ship with your
ment Office. You don’t want to miss this business, but are you getting those K-12 and peaceful. Come test the water and see
lively and informative discussion that what color personality type you are. This
meetings? This class will cover tips on
will start our day. is a fun test that brings awareness to your
knowing who your “real” target market
everyday interactions with those around
is (buyers or end-users) and the rules for
you so you can keep both oars in the water.
10:10 am—11:00 am contacting them directly. Learn how to get
that meeting and how best to spend your Presented by: Anita Case, Peoria Unified
Breakout Session I School District & Nicole Rodriguez, Pubelo
time networking and attending events.
11:05 am—11:55 am Emails, phone calls and mail advertising;
Breakout Session II which is best and what’s most effective.
204: Stay on Course: Straight Talk with
Presented by: Michelle Hamilton, Mesa
12:00 pm—1:00 pm the Cooperatives
Unified School District & Nicole Rodriguez,
Lunch Pueblo Mechanical Ever feel that the bid process gives you
a haddock and later learn that you could
have saved some real clams if you had
1:00 pm—1:50 pm 104: I’ve Registered as a Ven- just used a cooperative contract. Don’t
Breakout Session III dor, so Where’s My Contract? issue a bid just for the halibut. Come
Smooth Sailing in K-12 Procurement listen to our cooperative groupers
1:50 pm—2:05 pm Stretch your sea legs in this session and to hear about some of the advan-
Break review Arizona’s K-12 procurement tages of using cooperative contracts.
basics to ensure smooth sailing. What
2:10 pm—3:00 pm you need to know to get asked for quotes Presented by: Moderator, Anita McLemore,
Breakout Session IV under $100K and earn that loot! How to and Deborah Sandoval, Mohave Educational
navigate the new procurement rules, Services Cooperative, Victoria Stringham,
including recent updates, so you’re not TCPN, Ken Carter, 1GPA, Barbara Corella,
3:00 pm
headed for the rocks. Arizona State Procurement Office & Jenifer
Adjournment Munuz, GPPCS
Presented by: Yvonne Volpe, Marana
Unified School District & Allie Tossberg,
School Specialty