Page 3 - 2016 Spring Conference
P. 3
Schedule Of Events
9:30 AM
Thursday, April 7, 2016 Keynote Address:
Leading Change in Education
8:00 AM
Registration & Check In
Continental Breakfast
Peacock Alley-Arizona Tower, Third Floor
8:45 AM
General Session
Pavilion A
• Welcome: Ricky Hernandez, Orville Blackman, Ph.D.
Conference Chair, Vice President, Dean, Angell Snyder School of
AASBO’s Board of Directors
Business, Ottawa University
• Opening Remarks: Jeremy Calles,
President, AASBO’s Board of
Directors Keynote Session Description:
• Educational Programs Update: Dr. Orville Blackman, Dean of the Angell
Jeff Gadd, AASBO’s Director of Snyder School of Business, Ottawa University,
earned his Ph.D. in Leadership & Organiza-
Professional Development tion Development at the University of Lou-
isville. His current research focus is on labor
• Legal Update of Educational Issues: market demand and supply. Dr. Blackman
Chuck Essigs- AASBO’s Director will discuss how the high stakes accountabil-
of Governmental Relations ity requirements place significant pressures on
schools to perform at higher levels. Though
the requirements for meeting Adequate Yearly
Progress (AYP) are often viewed through aca-
demic lenses, more holistic approaches are re-
quired if schools are to make effective changes
that lead to successful outcomes. This presen-
tation addresses strategies and tactics that may
be employed to facilitate holistic change in K
– 12 schools. 3