Page 8 - 2016 Spring Conference
P. 8

Accounting Sessions

        101: User Access in Your Financial Software              301: Reconciling District Cash with the
                System                                                  County Treasurer
        Have you ever monitored your users’ access in your       Learn  how  to  keep  on  top  of  cash  reconciliation
        financial system?  Managing and reducing risk is es-     tasks  each  month  by  understanding  banking  ac-
        sential to a district’s financial software system.  How   tivity  occurring  at  the  County  Treasurer’s  office.
        do you know if individuals have too much access, no      Whether  you  are  reconciling  directly  with  the
        access to confidential information, or segregation of    Treasurer or have help from your County School
        duties based on their job functions?  Learn and hear     Superintendent’s office, there is a wealth of knowl-
        guidance on key component to be aware of when            edge waiting to be shared.  Learn to research vari-
        giving software access to personnel throughout the       ances,  validate  transactions,  and  be  confident  in
        district office.                                         your cash balances.
        Presented  By:  Courtney  Piña-  Agua  Fria  Union       Presented  By:  Melissa  Higdon-  Tavun  Advisory
        High School District, Tracy McLaughlin- Tolleson         Services & Barbara DeWall- Avondale Elementary
        Union High School District & Mike Martinez- Mar-         School District & Charlotte Gates- Sahuarita Uni-
        icopa County Education Service Agency                    fied School District & Karen Rodriguez- Maricopa
                                                                 County Education Services Agency

        201: Beginner/Intermediate Excel Tips and
        Learn some of the basic Excel functions and how          401: Records Management & Compliance
        you can take them further! This class will show you              for the Business Office
        ways using some tips and tricks in Excel can make        Can your records management use some “spring-
        your reporting tasks a little easier…no need for a 10    cleaning”? Where do you know to begin and cre-
        key when you have Excel!                                 ate a systematic process for records management?
        Presented By: Scott Heusman- Alhambra Elemen-            Whether you have or don’t have a centralized re-
        tary School District & Melissa Higdon- Tavun Ad-         cords  management  department,  this  session  will
        visory Services                                          provide the guidance for school districts in devel-
                                                                 oping  and  maintaining  records  management  in
                                                                 electronic  and/or  paper  format.    Information  on
                                                                 the basics of managing records and how to ensure
                                                                 your district is compliant will be presented.
                                                                 Presented  By:  Mary  Simmons-  Dysart  Unified
                                                                 School District

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